20 American jobs dominated by women — and that also pay them what they deserve

nurse medical exam
Some of the highest-paying jobs for women are in health care.

JGI /Jamie Grill / Getty Images

March marks Women's History Month, when notable achievements by women are celebrated and ongoing issues that women confront, such as the wage gap and lack of gender diversity at work, are highlighted.

Women are increasingly joining the workforce in America — roughly 57.4% of American women participated in the workforce in 2019, compared to 69.2% of men according to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The share of women in the workforce is up from 50% in 1980 according to the US Census Bureau.

The gender wage gap is pervasive in many industries, especially those still dominated by men. According to data collected in the Census Bureau's 2018 Current Population Survey, women earned, on average, 81% of what men earned. Though this is a large increase from years past — women working full-time earned 62% of what men earned in 1979 — the gender wage gap does still exist.

However, there are some fields where women not only make up a high percentage of the workforce, but they earn competitive pay doing it.

Business Insider looked at data from the 2019 Current Population Survey, a monthly survey conducted by the US Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics, to find occupations with the highest median pay for women who work full-time, year-round.

To highlight jobs in which women frequently work, only those where at least 40% of workers identified as female were included. Median annual salaries were found by multiplying the median weekly salaries for each profession by 52, the number of weeks in a year. Note, we removed occupations that were labelled as "all other", such as all other physical scientists, because we wanted to look at specific high-paying jobs for women.

Check out the full list of jobs where women earn the most:

20. Registered nurses

registered nurses
registered nurses

Reza Estakhrian/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 87.92%

Median annual pay: $63,284

19. Market research analysts and marketing specialists

women working on data marketing analyst
women working on data marketing analyst

boonchai wedmakawand/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 54.09%

Median annual pay: $63,856

18. Fundraisers


SDI Productions/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 61.18%

Median annual pay: $63,908

17. Public relations specialists

hospital public relations pr
hospital public relations pr

Mike Windle/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 65.55%

Median annual pay: $65,260

16. Compliance officers


Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 60.89%

Median annual pay: $65,728

15. Computer systems analysts

computer analyst looking at data
computer analyst looking at data

Tetra Images/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 40.93%

Median annual pay: $67,028

14. Physical therapists

doctor patient physical therapy
doctor patient physical therapy

a katz/Shutterstock

Share of workers that are women: 61.61%

Median annual pay: $68,796

13. Education administrators

principal educator with students
principal educator with students

SDI Productions/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 66.09%

Median annual pay: $69,420

12. Postsecondary teachers

teacher professor giving lecture
teacher professor giving lecture

Hill Street Studios/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 44.83%

Median annual pay: $70,616

11. Medical and health services managers

health service manager medical
health service manager medical

sturti/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 70.76%

Median pay: $70,824

10. Marketing and sales managers


Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 46.71%

Median annual pay: $72,436

9. Public relations and fundraising managers

business meeting
business meeting

Tassii/Getty mages

Share of workers that are women: 69.44%

Median annual pay: $72,748

8 (tie). Occupational therapists

occupational therapy
occupational therapy

Terry Vine/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 85.87%

Median annual pay: $74,932

8 (tie). Psychologists

Psychologist Argentina.JPG
Psychologist Argentina.JPG

Martin Acosta/Reuters

Share of workers that are women: 81.58%

Median annual pay: $74,932

7. Management analysts

management analyst
management analyst

Cavan Images/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 43.79%

Median annual pay: $78,884

6. Human resources managers

human resources
human resources

Hispanolistic/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 76.92%

Median annual pay: $79,976

5. Nurse practitioners

nurse at health clinic
nurse at health clinic

SDI Productions/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 87.17%

Median annual pay: $91,156

4. Physician assistants

Physician Assistant
Physician Assistant

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 70.64%

Median annual pay: $91,676

3. Pharmacists

Walgreens pharmacy pharmacist
Walgreens pharmacy pharmacist

Reuters/Elijah Nouvelage

Share of workers that are women: 60.78%

Median annual pay: $97,604


2. Physicians and surgeons



Share of workers that are women: 40.72%

Median annual pay: $97,656

1. Veterinarians


Westend61/Getty Images

Share of workers that are women: 76.39%

Median annual pay: $103,220

Read the original article on Business Insider