Here are the 20 funniest parents on social media this week

Yes, an exceptionally warm summer is coming to an end, which means parents are in the thick of back-to-school season with school supply shopping, new schedules and even more stress — but these parents had us laughing through it all with their hilarious parenting truths.

Here are just a few of the funniest parents on social media this week. Laughter certainly is the best medicine.

Parenting is never boring, that's for sure.


Pure bliss.


Good looking out, ya'll.


Do as I say, not as I do.


These kids got jokes.

Spot the lie.

Talk about being unfazed.

Why is it always the cups?!

Oh, how the tables have turned.

There's really no hiding it!

Talk about tattling.

Kids these days.

It truly defies logic.

Can someone make the madness stop?!

She's not wrong.

The kids know who runs the show.

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