2020 Democrat John Delaney brags about 'endurance' in campaign he's funding himself

Yes, former Maryland Rep. John Delaney is still running for president.

The moderate Democrat hasn't been seen in the 2020 primary debates since July, and never had a noteworthy poll showing despite launching his presidential campaign literal years before anyone else. And yet on Monday, Delaney spun two fellow moderates' decisions to end their campaigns as a sign of his own "endurance," ignoring the fact that he's funding his floundering campaign himself.

In a Monday press release, Delaney noted the departures of Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and former Rep. Joe Sestak from the 2020 race. "But former Congressman John Delaney is staying in the race," the release continued, praising his "endurance" in doing so.

Delaney has the distinction of being the longest-running Democrat in the 2020 race after launching his run to not much fanfare in June 2017. He's also among the most well-funded campaigns, with more than $27 million raised. There's just one catch: More than $24 million of that fundraising came from Delaney himself, and it's not exactly hard to keep running a campaign if you're paying for it yourself.

Delaney's "endurance" also didn't translate into popularity or even notoriety, seeing as the most recent Economist/YouGov primary poll found 59 percent of respondents said they didn't even know who Delaney was.

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