Tom Steyer: 2020 Democratic presidential candidate shares his views on current issues

Tom Steyer: 2020 Democratic presidential candidate shares his views on current issues

Editor's note: Tom Steyer dropped out of the race on Feb. 29, 2020.

We asked presidential candidates questions about a variety of issues facing the country. This is what Democratic candidate Tom Steyer had to say about climate change, gun control, health care and other issues.

2020 candidates on the issues: A voter's guide to where they stand on health care, gun control and more

Do you believe the earth’s climate is changing? If yes, do you believe it is caused by humans?


If you could unilaterally make one change, or enact one policy, that would affect the climate, what would that be? And why?

On Day 1 of my presidency, I will declare the climate crisis a national emergency. In addition to taking bold executive actions, I will challenge Congress to pass vital legislation to enact a Green New Deal and provide additional funding to protect the country against climate and weather-related natural disasters. My Justice-Centered Climate Plan will eliminate fossil fuel pollution from all sectors to achieve a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero global warming pollution by no later than 2045. This means massive and immediate mobilization to decarbonize every sector in an equitable way, including transitioning to clean electricity (and) setting strong standards for new buildings.

How would you engage foreign leaders to work with the United States on issues related to climate?

My administration will restore U.S. leadership on climate by taking immediate action on a strong climate justice plan. I will ensure that protecting the climate is central to our diplomacy and trade policies. Diplomacy is absolutely necessary to bring forth a reinvigorated sense of commitment to this issue onto the global stage. We can and will work with our partner nations to advance a global consensus. I will recommit to the Paris Climate Agreement and ratify the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol. I’ll join the international Powering Past Coal Alliance, work to end global financing for coal-fired power plants, and create a green screen for our foreign aid and investments.

Read what all the candidates have to say about climate change here.

Should the U.S. explore additional use of nuclear power as an alternative energy source? Why or why not?

Nuclear energy is risky and not cost competitive. It has suffered from massive cost overruns and has required massive government bailouts. We should certainly not have any new power plants at this time. There are three key aspects to nuclear energy we should be concerned with: waste disposal, safety, and cost. Today, we can’t sufficiently answer for them. First, the disposal of waste poses real dangers to the most vulnerable among us. Second, a safe nuclear program that produces no carbon dioxide emissions, that is abundant, and a source of cheap energy doesn’t currently exist. Third, renewable energy like wind and solar are the least costly forms of energy to produce.

Should the U.S. government offer subsidies for renewable energy, such as wind energy or ethanol? Why or why not?

We must break the corporate stranglehold in Washington to solve our climate crisis. For decades the fossil fuel industry has written the rules in Washington and our planet, our health and our economy has suffered. Consider the Trump Administration’s exemptions for oil refineries. These were a complete disaster for our nation’s ethanol farmers. I would end all government giveaways to polluters including direct subsidies, tax breaks, lax and under-enforced environmental and worker protections, and the subsidization of fossil fuel production on public lands. In addition to issuing no new fossil fuel leases on federal lands, I will end subsidies for ongoing fossil fuel operations.

Read what all the candidates have to say about alternative energy and technology here

How would you address gun violence in America?

As president, I will declare gun violence a public health epidemic and dedicate time and resources to develop a cure. America’s children are suffering from the threat of mass killings and fear of active shooters. Members of our communities suffer from gun violence in many forms: homicides, domestic violence, suicides, and police brutality. By and large, the American people agree on how we should solve this problem. They want Washington to act, have pleaded with their representatives and have begged them to do something — anything.

Read what all the candidates have to say about gun violence here.

How do you propose making schools safer from acts of violence?

I stand with students, parents, educators, law enforcement, victims of gun violence, and community members, and am ready to implement the urgent common sense gun safety reforms we desperately need. My plan — titled “We Can End Gun Violence” — will establish universal background checks, ban large capacity magazines and assault weapons, enact red flag laws, close loopholes, create a new Office of Gun Safety and licensing requirements, and provide resources to communities to reduce gun violence. I will increase funding for mental health and counselors at our nation’s public middle and high schools.

What role, if any, should the government have in regulating large technology companies?

We don’t want to let internet service providers dictate which website you can visit, or be able to charge you different rates for different content. And we certainly don’t want to have technology companies destroy competitors and stifle choice, innovation, and competition because of their size. We need to hit the reset button on how we think about technology and how we protect the rights of individual Americans. We should aggressively regulate these companies, and my administration will work with the FTC, the FCC, and the DOJ to ensure that our innovation ecosystem remains free and open rather than co-opted by a handful of giants.

If you are elected, how would you interact with North Korea? What relationship would the U.S. and North Korea have?

The best way to keep us safe is to show our allies and adversaries that a steady hand and cool temper is commanding the United States armed forces, and that our country has no intention of attacking others first. Those who’ve created these weapons have a responsibility to get rid of them. We must continue to work with our partners and adversaries to curtail the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and reduce existing stockpiles. I believe that diplomatic measures through multilateral or bilateral channels must always be the first choice in engaging with regimes that seek to menace the world with the pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Would you re-enter the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran? Why or why not?

Yes. President Obama got this one right. He saw an Iranian regime desperately working to build power by developing a nuclear weapon and a liberally-minded Iranian people ready to fully integrate into the global marketplace and culture. Understanding that it was in our mutual interest to keep Iran from getting the bomb, President Obama negotiated a deal. Mr. Trump, in his cavalier recklessness, tore up this agreement before he even checked if it was working. We have lost time and we have lost credibility through his actions. I’m not sure if there is a workable deal to be had today. But, as president, I will pursue every means I have to ensure that nuclear weapons do not spread.

How do you plan to address the threat of extremism in the U.S.?

Extremism has been present in America for decades and sadly is on the rise because we have a racist white nationalist in the White House. Donald Trump’s rhetoric has radicalized his base and inspired a wave of violence. As president, I will direct more resources to monitor, investigate, and prosecute incidents of white supremacist violence and those who incite them as acts of domestic terrorism.

Do you believe there is equal access to voting in the U.S.? If not, how would you go about expanding access to voting?

No, there is not equal access to our right to vote. State and federal lawmakers have been working overtime to disenfranchise students, veterans, low-income people, seniors, people of color and the disabled for years. For the past ten years, I’ve been working to promote social justice and increase participation in our democracy through voter registration and grassroots organizing. An organization I founded, NextGen America, ran the largest youth vote program in American history, registering over 1 million people to vote. The right to vote is the gateway to a fair and inclusive democracy. Without it, American democracy does not truly exist.

Do you believe voter fraud is a problem in the U.S.? If yes, how do you plan to you address it?

Calling out “voter fraud” is an old Republican tactic used to suppress the votes of students, veterans, low-income people, seniors, and people of color. It truly has little basis in reality, as evidenced by Trump’s now disbanded voting integrity commission, finding no such evidence of voter fraud — anywhere. They would like us to believe that voter fraud is to blame for supposed threats to our democracy. The only ones responsible for creating this breakdown in civil society, are those state legislatures passing voter ID laws, and carrying out voter purges. A healthy democracy depends on the broadest participation possible, one that is of, by and for the people.

Should it be a crime to enter the U.S. illegally?

We don’t have to trade border security for compassion — it’s un-American and ineffective. We can have a secure border that is still open for commerce, travel, and legal immigrants. I support decriminalizing unauthorized border crossings. These matters are better handled through civil proceedings.

Read what all the candidates have to say about immigration here.

Should the U.S. expand or limit legal immigration?

Ours is a nation of immigrants. This is a nation that leads with compassion and offers opportunity to those willing to do the hard work to build a better America. For America to flourish, this has to be a place where immigrants can flourish too, which is why I support the DREAM Act, a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in America today, would overhaul ICE, and would update our asylum policies to match our values. This is not a fight that I am new to. I have worked to build a strong community of immigrant rights activists. I’ve helped 1,600 immigrants and refugees get a lawyer (and) more than 1,100 DACA applicants process renewal applications.

In many areas of the country, there is a critical shortage of affordable housing. What would your administration do to address it?

Where you live determines where and how long you work, where your kids can go to school, the air you breathe, and the food you eat. Higher housing costs can force people who have lived in communities their entire lives to move. Our affordable housing situation is a crisis and directly lowers the quality of life for working Americans. There are a number of situations that offer opportunities for local communities to create more affordable housing, like underutilized commercial properties, infill developments, more mixed-use buildings, which would make it easier to convert surplus state-owned property to affordable housing and tighten the rules on housing speculators.

What is your plan to address the growing national debt?

Republicans have mounted a four decade attack on working people by facilitating corporations’ hijacking of our democracy. Skyrocketing corporate profits and executive pay have been underwritten by the American taxpayer for too long. It is time for companies and the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share. We can begin to do this by repealing the Trump tax cuts that went primarily to the wealthy and corporations, and by instituting a wealth tax — 1% on those whose net worth is above $32 million. Undoing years of Republican giveaways to corporations and the wealthy also means closing corporate tax loopholes across the board, and ending subsidies in large, successful industries.

Do you think our national debt is a national security issue? Why or why not?

I think the economy is a national security issue. A strong economy is foundational to our national defense.

Read what all the candidates have to say about the economy here.

Is capitalism the best economic structure for the United States? If yes, why? If no, what is better and how do you believe it will benefit Americans?

I’m a progressive and a capitalist, but unchecked capitalism has failed us. We must end the corporate corruption and unchecked capitalism that has hijacked our democracy, and finally reverse the Republican policies that have allowed big corporations to write their own rules that reward shareholders at the expense of American workers. Based on my experience starting a small business and growing it to a $36 billion successful international company, I’ve developed a clear vision for a strong, fair and just economy that addresses the historic income inequality in our country — not by nationalizing industries but rather by fixing what is broken with our capitalist system.

In many parts of the country, there is a skilled worker gap. How would you close that gap to get more people employed in the industries that need them?

Since 1980, almost all of the increase in income in this country — including the immense gains from from skyrocketing productivity enabled by technology — has gone to corporations and the richest people in the country. You don't need my investor background to understand why that’s a problem. Just look around. Our schools are languishing. Our roads and bridges are crumbling. Our health care costs are skyrocketing. We can’t address these problems unless those of us at the top are required to reinvest in our country. I would repeal the Trump Tax Cuts and work with Congress to create an equitable and progressive tax system to benefit all Americans, including a wealth tax.

See what all the candidates say on education, housing and jobs here.

Should the government forgive student loans? If yes, why and for whom? If no, why not?

The student debt crisis has been driven largely by predatory actors in the largely unregulated student loan industry. We should immediately keep our commitment to veterans, teachers and other public servants who have kept their bargain with the U.S. to receive student loan deferment/forgiveness, and we must honor that commitment. We must make higher education affordable and available to everyone. I will tackle the student debt crisis head-on by forgiving certain types of student loan debt, reforming the public service student loan forgiveness program, making the refinancing of student loans easier, cracking down on predatory student loan servicers, and expanding access to educational benefits.

Should community college be free to anyone who wants to attend? Should other colleges and universities be free to attend?

I support providing two-years of free tuition to community colleges. Every American should have the right to a free, quality, public education from universal pre-kindergarten through higher education, including workforce and technical training.

Is more funding needed for mental health care in America? If yes, what amount and how should it be allocated? Where should that money come from?

More funding is needed for mental health care. There is a mental health crisis in America; among comparable countries, the U.S. has the highest rate of death from mental health and substance use disorders. While there have been improvements in mental health in recent years, access to providers and affordability still present challenges for almost half of America’s population. As president, mental health would be included in my universal health care plan. The Right to Health, including mental health, would be a top priority for my administration. We would make certain there was adequate funding of at least current levels for mental health services.

Read what all the candidates have to say about health care here.

How would you address rising prescription drug costs, specifically for medications that are necessary for people to live, such as insulin and mental health medications?

Rampant excesses of the pharmaceutical industry have put many life saving medications out of reach for America’s patients. We must utilize the power of the federal government to negotiate lower prices for patients and break the corporate stranglehold that the pharmaceutical companies have on our health care system. We need to have a holistic approach to health and health care; mental health is as important as physical health and we will have parity in my health care proposal.

What do you believe is the biggest health care issue facing Americans? How would you solve it?

The biggest health care issue facing Americans is cost. But if we are going to make health care cheaper, we are going to have to break the stranglehold corporations have over our political system, so you and your doctor, not the drug manufacturer or insurers, can decide what is best for you. To do this, I have proposed providing a public option that uses the negotiating power of the government to dramatically lower costs, including for prescription drugs and premiums. With this option, we can provide quality medical care to millions more families and individuals while allowing Americans to keep their employer-based health care if they want to do so. A public option will expand coverage.

How would you address the opioid crisis?

For me this is a spiritual question. How can we think of ourselves as a society that is flourishing and has purposes and people understand what we are doing in the earth, if we have soaring addiction rates and soaring suicide rates? For us to heal this we will have to understand where people are and support them in getting them to a place where they want to be. Addiction is a huge health issue in the United States. It’s all over the country and incredibly painful for everybody involved, both for the people addicted, their families, and their communities. It’s not one person that hurts, the pain spirals out to everybody. We have to look at it in a number of ways.

Should marijuana be legalized federally for medicinal use? Should it be legalized for recreational use?

Yes to both.

Do you support a public health insurance option for all Americans? If yes, do you support the elimination of private health care in favor of a government-run plan, or do you support an option where Americans can choose a public or private plan? If no, why?

The American people deserve a health care system where everyone has access to quality, affordable and secure health care. I support a universal health care system, including a strong public option that aggressively competes with private insurance companies, drives down costs and expands coverage. As president, I will work to reduce prescription drug costs, increase system accountability, eliminate surprise billing, and put patients and doctors — not the drug manufacturers or insurers — in charge of their health care.

Should the federal government re-institute the death penalty? If yes, for what crimes?


This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Tom Steyer shares views on gun control, immigration and more