2020 Guinness World Records: Shortest horse, largest hula hoop and more weird feats

The newly released Guinness World Records book isn't limited to records that show off years of dedicated practice or unique traits you were born with — it's also a place where people with very odd and specific talents can set records that most people would consider too strange to even try.

The video above lists some of the weirdest new additions to the famous book, including Nilanshi Patel, who just set the record for longest hair on a teenager. The 16-year-old has been growing out her hair since she was six, and now her hair is measured at a whopping five feet, seven inches — which is longer than her height.

It takes Patel, who says she never set out to achieve her record, at least 90 minutes to dry and comb all the way through her hair, which she started growing out after receiving a disastrous haircut.

Then there's Getti Kehayova, a former circus performer who set the record for the largest hula hoop spin. Her hula hoop is a little over 17 feet in diameter, beating out the previous record-holder Yuya Yamada, whose hoop was only 16 feet in diameter. The hula hooping may look and sound easy, but Kehayova has to wear a protective vest to keep her ribs from breaking.

Animals have set some weird records, too. Bombell was named the world's shortest male horse and Joy set the record for most tricks performed by a pig in one minute.

Check out other weird new World Record feats by watching the In The Know video above.