2022: Culture wars, Mother Nature turn up the heat in Abilene

We're a week into 2023; have you put 2022 in your rear-view mirror? Or is the new year the same as the old year?

We don't write as many checks as we once did, so mistakenly scrawling "2022" on the date line isn't the headache it was.

Yet, Georgia is playing for the college football championship, just like last year.

Reality check. The opponent this January is TCU, not Alabama.

We were ready to drench 2020 with Year-B-Gone, then eagerly awaited the end of 2021. Surely 2022 would be a better year, we reasoned. Hoped. Prayed. Wished. Expected.

It was, and it wasn't.

Nolan Potts, 6, lets the waters from the Minter Park fountain run down his face after the Children's Art and Literacy Festival parade June 9. The temperature was only 99 degrees that day.
Nolan Potts, 6, lets the waters from the Minter Park fountain run down his face after the Children's Art and Literacy Festival parade June 9. The temperature was only 99 degrees that day.

Weatherwise, the temperature range was an even 100 degrees - from 10 to 110. Neither temperature pleasant.

That was an improvement from 2021, when the range was from minus-4 to 104 - 108 degrees.

Speaking of ranges, how about riding the gas price roller coaster. We peaked locally at $4.69 a gallon, then plummeted recently to $2.35. But rose again 50 or so cents to start 2023. In real money, filling your pickup at the peak cost $100-plus; recently, it was under $60.

That $40-$50 came in handy at grocery stores and elsewhere now that prices have jumped. Have you bought a dozen eggs recently?

Elise Weaver tosses her cap into the air as she graduates from Trent High School on May 26, 2022. Weaver was the only member of her graduating class.
Elise Weaver tosses her cap into the air as she graduates from Trent High School on May 26, 2022. Weaver was the only member of her graduating class.

The pandemic waned, but still is with us. To date, Taylor County has attributed 662 deaths to COVID-19 dating back to March 2020. There were 86 COVID-attributed deaths in 2022, down from 371 in the year before. Yet, cases rose dramatically, from just under 14,000 in 2021 to almost 18,900 last year.

Variants, even if not as potent, are the biggest cause for concern. Some folks still are masked up; others are trying to figure out which booster shot they need next.

"Now hiring" signs across the city still advertise for jobs. Some businesses have closed, others have adjusted their hours of operation. The Dixie Pig, the iconic Abilene breakfast stop, now is closed Mondays to start the work week, while restaurant such as Alfredo's on South 14th Street are closed Tuesdays.

The biggest news on the religion front were decisions by local Methodist congregations to remain UMC - United Methodist Church, founded in 1968 - or leave the denomination. St. Paul, a longtime downtown church, voted solidly to stay UMC while Aldersgate voted overwhelmingly to join the newly formed Global Methodist Church. Aldersgate, which is across the street from Methodist-affiliated McMurry University, changed it name to Aldersgate Abilene Methodist Church.

Why the split? At the surface, at least, is the marriage of same-sex couples and the ordination of those belonging to the LGBTQ community.

Participants walk past the historic Paramount Theatre during Abilene's first Pride parade Sept. 24.
Participants walk past the historic Paramount Theatre during Abilene's first Pride parade Sept. 24.

In September, the first Pride Parade was held downtown, a colorful event in more ways than one. Along with rainbow colors and creative costumes on display was colorful language, as some watching the parade fired back at a small group of out-of-towners who hurled derogatory comments at participants.

It was a year when we got a look, - sort of - at the new B-21 bomber, which this decade will come to Dyess Air Force Base. Northrop Grumman unveiled the next-generation bomber at its Palmdale, Calif., facility.

More:B-21 bomber revealed Friday night, and Abilenians who were there share their impressions

The Abilene Chamber of Commerce honored Dee Moore as its 2022 Citizen of the Year. She is the first Black individual to earn that honor.

Anthony Williams, the city's first Black mayor, officially announced that he would not seek a third term, ending more than 20 years in local government.

Mystery of 2022?

The "Singing Ringing Tree," promised music to our ears when the wind blew - which it often does in Abilene. But who's heard any singing, ringing or even dinging or pinging? installation of the iron art object in a hollow near the Union Pacific tracks east of downtown has been questioned.

Finally, nowhere else but in Abilene would new theater seats be celebrated. The Paramount Theatre acquired new seats that look original to the now 92-year-old building but are wider and, of course, more cushiony.

The wider seat angle may serve as inspiration for those going on a diets or fitness program to start 2023. No buts about it - our rear ends are bigger and more numerous than they were.

Besides those we elect to office.

The top story of 2022?

We believe it was the culture wars raging in America coming to Abilene.

Whether it was what books should be placed in our city and school libraries, the status of women's rights or who can be issued a parade permit, Abilenians were divided. And not quiet about it, either.

This fueled events that made the headlines.

City gives birth to 'sanctuary city' designation

An issue that the majority here agree on subdivided into division.

While Abilenians on the whole may be anti-abortion, a renewed effort to make Abilene a "sanctuary city for the unborn" became controversial.

A statewide effort by East Texas anti-abortion advocate Mark Lee Dickson had come before the Abilene City Council previously. His efforts had been successful elsewhere, including Lubbock.

Council chose to not to vote on the ordinance but leave the decision to the residents if a petition effort was successful.

One was delivered with more than the required signatures (10% of the total vote in the past city election - about 6,500 signatures in this case) was presented to the council in April, Upon review, verification fell below what was need. Those promoting the ordinance were given a second chance.

The second effort proved successful.

People watch the Abilene City Council meeting in overflow seating at the Abilene Public Library south branch April 28. The council was addressing a proposed ordinance to make Abilene "a sanctuary city for the unborn."
People watch the Abilene City Council meeting in overflow seating at the Abilene Public Library south branch April 28. The council was addressing a proposed ordinance to make Abilene "a sanctuary city for the unborn."

The May election deadline, however, was missed, putting the issue on the midterm election ballot in November.

"Vote for Life" signs sprang up around the city, the effort was unabated even when the U.S. Supreme Court voted to end abortion.

Opponents of the ordinance claimed the 18-page document that took more than 30 minutes to read at a council meeting could create more problems than it potentially would solve by turning neighbor against neighbor and setting up potential lawsuits against the city.

Ultimately, voters approved the ordinance. It passed 14,936 to 13,355 - 53%.

In another fall city election vote, however, residents supported by about the same 1,500-vote margin (14,713 for and 13,220 against) to change gender references in city charters to be inclusive of men and women.. Opponents feared a yes-vote would open the door to additional pronoun changes.

In the spring election, however three City Council candidates who vocally supported the sanctuary city ordinance were soundly beaten by incumbents.

Additionally, three candidates for Abilene ISD board lost bids to unseat incumbents. Loosely aligned, the trio took issue with decisions made by the district during the pandemic, expressed concern about library books and cited poor academic performance that was driving students to other districts. They championed a greater role by parents to decide how the AISD should be run.

Let's talk about the library

The book was titled "Let's Talk About It."

We sure did.

The rest of the book's name - "The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human" - is what got the sometimes heated conversation going.

The book was singled out as an example of what is available at the Abilene Public Library and should not be, according to a group of residents. Normally, library board meetings are as exciting as studying the history of linguine but those Monday afternoon gatherings became a battleground over what is on shelves and within reach of youngsters.

For the record, there was only one copy of "Let's Talk About It" and it had not been checked out during the 17 months it was shelved here until the group opposing it did so.

Ultimately, it was removed by City Manager Robert Hanna.

More:City manager removes teen book on sex from Abilene Public Library

And while changes were made, including establishing a book review committee to address other books in question and creating limited access cards for minors, Hanna and Librarian Julee Hatton emphasized that content available at the downtown, Mall of Abilene and North Mockingbird Lane libraries must serve the entire community and materials that some deem offensive legally cannot be segregated.

The Abilene City Council later voted 7-0 to approve a resolution that "unequivocally directs staff to protect minors from obscenity and harmful materials" in accordance with provisions of the Texas Penal Code.

The intent was to show the city does not intentionally place these items in libraries.

Up town, or down town?

Activity downtown was, well, up and down in 2022.

Those downtown watched as a new hotel rose, one floor at a time across from the Abilene Convention Center. The seven stories of the DoubleTree by Hilton were bricked and all windows in by year's end after ground-breaking in late 2021. It should be open for guests in June.

Construction has closed streets south of the Convention Center.

More:Back to life: How four guys and a peacock transformed a funeral home to a people place

Nearby, a former funeral home got new life in a creative way - as an event venue, cocktail bar and small-business complex, all in one. Peacock Patio is the name,

Other new businesses downtown include a bookstore, Seven in One Books, and a new restaurant, Cutie Pies, in Under One Roof.

The Abilene Reporter-News facility at North First and Cypress streets was leveled. The space, purchased by the Abilene Improvement Corporation, will be used for new business ventures and parking.

The site was among the first sold publicly when Abilene was founded in 1881.

A passerby photographs an excavator digging into the former Abilene Reporter-News building Oct. 17. It was the first day of demolition for the structure.
A passerby photographs an excavator digging into the former Abilene Reporter-News building Oct. 17. It was the first day of demolition for the structure.

The former Civic Plaza Hotel site remains vacant. It is a full city block.

The City Council announced an overhaul of Cypress Street, which leads from Everman Park and The Grace Museum to the Convention Center and the new hotel. Plans include making the thoroughfare more pedestrian friendly and possibly introducing two-way traffic.

Looking south across the railroad tracks, work began in earnest on the remodeling of the Taylor County courthouse built in 1915. County commissioners, who once met in the "new" courthouse - which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, for a time met in the older facility but now meet in the county's Plaza until work is completed.

The year prices weren't right

What didn't cost more in 2022?

Even offering your 2 cents on issues seemed to cost a person more.

The price of gas rose above $4 for the first time, getting as high as $4.69 before abating. The search for the cheapest gas in town never was more intense.

The electronic sign at a new southwest Abilene gas station was not yet functioning, but reminded passing motorist the cost of gas - well over $4 at the time - could be higher.
The electronic sign at a new southwest Abilene gas station was not yet functioning, but reminded passing motorist the cost of gas - well over $4 at the time - could be higher.

Meals on Wheels offered $25 gas cards to volunteer drivers during the peak of prices.

The question "Where's the beef?" was replaced by "What's the price?"

Menu item prices jumped. Grocery store prices jumped. Worse, shelves often were void of products - including staples. Some shoppers turned to off-brands that were less expensive, and those sold out, too.

Car insurance jumped. Movie tickets jumped.

Dairy Queen announced tacos on Tuesday would cost $1.50 each, up from $1. Individual doughnuts at some grocery stores were $1.29. Some claimed the holes were bigger, too.

Hiring signs still were prominent in Abilene.

While the revitalization of downtown continues, one business venture took a post-pandemic hit, then popped back up.

The Local, an eatery and bar that replaced a former jewelry store, closed for a time. Co-owner Alex Russell said the business needed to reboot after the pandemic, when survival affected service. After hiring and training events, it reopened.

Other businesses and efforts were not so fortunate.

Pappy Slokum Brewing Company, which pioneered the craft beer business in Abilene, closed Dec. 31. It opened in 2014 and brought Local Yella and Tom 23 into the local beer lexicon.

“It seems our business model no longer works and running the brewery has become unsustainable," a Facebook post stated.

On Thursday, on its Facebook page, Sockdolager Brewing Company also announced "our taps will stop flowing in the spring of 2023." Like Pappy Slokum, it pointed to an "unsustainable market."

Sockdolager has been in operation for six years.

The one-day Abilene Gives effort netted $1.73 million, but the goal was $2 million.

Gov. Greg Abbott gestures as he speaks during an event at the Great Lakes Cheese site Feb. 7.
Gov. Greg Abbott gestures as he speaks during an event at the Great Lakes Cheese site Feb. 7.

Meanwhile, the Great Lakes Cheese Company packaging and distribution facility rose to the east, within view of Abilene Regional Airport. The $39.4 million project promised more than 500 jobs and drew Gov. Greg Abbott to the site to praise the resilient Texas economy during his bid for re-election.

And to the west, ground was broken at the Lancium site. The clean energy campus on 100 acres promises to generate about $2.4 billion into the Abilene economy over the next five years.

More:Lancium powers up its energy project in Abilene with groundbreaking

Extreme heat fuels Mesquite Heat

All thoughts of the frigid February of 2021, when all Abilenians lost water service for a time and many their electricity, were gone July 18-20. It was 110 degrees each day.

The record high in Abilene is 111, so that mark remains. However, at no point since records began had it been 110, 110, 110.

July finished as the hottest month ever, The average daily high was 103.7. It was 100 or hotter all but four days. The coolest day registered 95, which normally is the July average high.

Abilene had 17 days of 100s in May, which signaled this was going to be a hot year. In 2011, the record for 100-degree days was obliterated when we recorded 81. The previous record was 46, set in 1934.

It would seem this record would stand a while but 2022 had a run at it. August was not as hot (only 97.5 each day), and we finished with 76 days of 100 or hotter.

Such heat generally means there is no rain. For a time, it looked as if Abilene would finish with perhaps the second driest year on record.

Through September, the National Weather Service measured 8.75 inches of precipitation. That was 11 inches under the norm.

The driest year ever was 9.78 inches in 1956.

The drought broke in October, when Abilene received 3.86 inches of rain.

We still finished under 15 inches for 2022, and with the eighth driest year on record.

The extreme heat and lack of rain, following record cold in 2021, did a number on trees and yards.

And it sparked two major wildfires.

Flames and smoke rise high above the trees in the Mesquite Heat Fire, which started near View on Tuesday, May 17.
Flames and smoke rise high above the trees in the Mesquite Heat Fire, which started near View on Tuesday, May 17.

In the spring, the sky just south of Abilene was darkened by smoke from the Mesquite Heat fire that took days to contain. It affected the area south of View and shut down U.S. Highway 277.

More:Sheriff Ricky Bishop honored with Melvin Martin award for leadership in Mesquite Heat Fire

No lives were lost in the almost 11,000-acre fire but 27 structures - including 20 homes - were destroyed. A cooperative effort by state and local fire personnel kept the damage total lower than it might have been.

The Eastland Complex fire totaled more than 54,000 acres and claimed the life of Eastland County deputy Barbara Fenley. The communities of Carbon and Gorman sustained the most damage.

More:At three-month anniversary, recovery still in progress after Eastland County wildfires

The governor visited the area, declaring it a disaster area.

"We've had wildfires and floods and other kinds of disasters before," Eastland County Judge Rex Fields said. "We lost about 10 percent of the county to fires."

Angela Maltby holds an American flag and salutes from Eastland's South Bassett Street bridge as the funeral procession for fallen Eastland Sheriff's Deputy Barbara Fenley passes beneath her on Interstate 20 on March 23. On the same bridge, members of the Eastland Fire Department had extended a ladder with their own flag hanging down to honor Fenley.

Niblo killer sentence to life

Those who say justice moves slowly had a point.

Those who say justice sometimes needs to move slowly had one, too.

The trial of Luke Sweetser for the December 2016 killing of Tom Niblo finally started in late August. Sweetser, the brother-in-law of the slain Abilene real estate agent, was accused in the shooting death at the Niblo home in southwest Abilene.

The trial began Aug. 22 with jury selection and culminated with a guilty verdict by eight men and four women on Sept. 1 after 12 hours of deliberation.

Sweetser, who denied shooting Niblo during the punishment proceedings, was given a life term in prison and fined.

Those called to the stand testified to the amount of time needed to search for, examine and rule on evidence that included finding the gun used to shoot Niblo eight times in his bed. It was discovered in Elm Creek, near the home.

According to Texas criminal code, Sweetser, 50, will be eligible for parole after actual time served equals one-half of the sentence imposed or 30 years, whichever is less.

More:Niblo trial: Jury finds Luke Sweetser guilty of murder a day after deliberations begin

More:Sweetser gets life, plus fine after denying he shot Niblo eight times in his bed

Aches at the Forty Acres

Hardin-Simmons made the news again last year, and it wasn't good publicity.

First came a $1 million lawsuit filed by crosstown colleague McMurry University concerning the operation of Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing. McMurry accused HSU of attempts to undermine the program and prevent McMurry from taking over the program.

HSU, it was learned, has plans to establish its own nursing program on campus.

Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing is located adjacent to the north side of Hendrick Medical Center.
Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing is located adjacent to the north side of Hendrick Medical Center.

Opened in 1979 as Abilene Intercollegiate School of Nursing, the Shelton facility, located between HSU and Hendrick Medical Center, once served both universities and Abilene Christian. ACU pulled out in 2012 to open its own, on-campus program.

The issue finally was resolved. The lawsuit was dropped and McMurry will take over the Shelton program in 2025. It retains the name and assets.

More:Hardin-Simmons, McMurry come to agreement regarding nursing school operation

In late October, HSU faculty voted no confidence in President Eric Bruntmyer, who came to HSU in 2016. They requested a new leader be sought for the university. Faculty cited an exodus of faculty, closing of programs and continued expenditures even as programs and faculty were cut.

The school's board of trustees quickly announced that Bruntmyer had its full support. Later, the board gave him a new three-year contract.

There was good news. The Cowboys football team beat McMurry and made the NCAA Division III playoffs after being snubbed in 2021.

Four on the floor of Jerry World

There are measures of success during the Texas high school football season.

Does a team make the playoffs?

Does a team play after Thanksgiving dinner?

Does a team make it to December?

Finally, does a team get to Arlington?

In 2022, five Abilene-area teams earned a chance to play in AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys. Two played each other.

Benjamin running back Brody White leaps for a touchdown against Loraine during the Class 1A Div. 2 state championship football game at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. White's Mustangs won.
Benjamin running back Brody White leaps for a touchdown against Loraine during the Class 1A Div. 2 state championship football game at AT&T Stadium in Arlington. White's Mustangs won.

The first four of 12 state title games were won by Big Country teams.

Benjamin won its first football championship, outscoring Loraine for the Class 1A Division 2 title. Loraine lost two games all season - both to Benjamin. The Mustangs were unbeaten.

A few hours later, Westbrook defended its Division 1 title by upending No. 1 Abbott.

That night, Albany won its first championship in 61 years by taking down Mart in the 2A D2 game.

Albany's win gave 37-year Lions head coach Denney Faith his first championship.

The next day, Hawley, which had lost in the 2021 title game, routed Refugio to win its first title in the Division I finale.

Dust flies at college campuses

Students and alumni signatures are seen on an I-beam outside the construction site for the under-renovation Garrison Student Center at McMurry University Tuesday.
Students and alumni signatures are seen on an I-beam outside the construction site for the under-renovation Garrison Student Center at McMurry University Tuesday.

All three Abilene four-year universities launched major construction projects in 2022, with one beginning its 100th anniversary year.

McMurry began celebrating its centennial a bit early, unveiling a statue of former player and coach Grant Teaff on the south side of Radford Auditorium in April.

More:Grant Teaff statue a permanent reminder at McMurry to seek goals, stay faithful

Teaff who went on to nationally acclaim as both the head coach at Baylor and then as head of the national coaches' association, attended the wind-buffeted event.

Later, work began on the $25 million renovation of the university's Garrison Campus Center, opened in 1979. It will expand the central-campus facility by 50%.

Growing by 100% was the return of the famed iris garden to the campus. The project is headed by retired McMurry professor Pug Parris, who preserved award-winning plants previously on display on campus.

Across town at Hardin-Simmons, Nix dormitory was leveled, with plans to build updated student housing. Also, remodeling began at Abilene Hall, a three-story classroom building.

Workers build a dormitory at Hardin-Simmons University.
Workers build a dormitory at Hardin-Simmons University.

About two miles east on Ambler Avenue, a lot of work went on at Abilene Christian.

Moody Coliseum reopened in time for convocation to start the 2022-23 academic year. It was a $40 million project that hit a few bumps but again is home to ACU basketball. The teams played at the Teague Center, normally a three-court indoor tennis facility.

Next door is newly remodeled Boone Family Theatre, formerly Cullen Auditorium. It was to be the site for the November homecoming musical but due to supply chain issues, the event returned to the Abilene Convention Center. The project cost was nearly $10 million.

To the south, work progressed on another new dorm, this one Wessel Hall, scheduled to open for the coming academic year. Bullock Hall opened for the fall 2021 term.

And across E.N. 16th Street rises the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab (NEXT), a cutting edge molten salt nuclear reactor.

Iron workers guide a beam suspended from a crane into the skeleton of the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab during construction at ACU Tuesday.
Iron workers guide a beam suspended from a crane into the skeleton of the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Lab during construction at ACU Tuesday.

ACU additionally announced the largest individual gift in its history, the $29 million to benefit its College of Business Administration. Money will be used for student scholarships and endowed faculty positions, with little physical change to ACU's Business Building.

The gift establishes the Dr. William P. and Janie B. Dukes Excellence in Finance Endowment.

More:Salt and fire: ACU's molten salt nuclear reactor a hot topic - here and for world

Record year for traffic deaths; lots of fires, too

Abilene police and fire personnel got a workout last year.

Police responded to 23 crashes that resulted in a record 28 deaths. These involved vehicles and pedestrians.

Although the crash situations varied, the number spurred police to issue pleas to the community to slow speeds and to pay attention. Police also instituted traffic checks during which hundreds of citations and warnings were issued.

There were seven homicides in 2022, all cleared by arrest. And within the first hour of 2023, a man intentionally struck and killed a woman with his vehicle in south Abilene. Five days later, a man died of injuries administered by another man Jan. 2.

Abilene firefighters carry a hose down Cypress Street as they knock down a morning blaze at the vacant St. Ann Hospital Oct. 18.
Abilene firefighters carry a hose down Cypress Street as they knock down a morning blaze at the vacant St. Ann Hospital Oct. 18.

Abilene firefighters were busy, too

In 2021, the Abilene Fire Department responded to 532 fire calls, with 100 of those structure fires. Estimated loss was $3,646,000.

Last year, the AFD took 425 fire calls, with 96 of those structure fires resulting in an estimated loss of $4,152,200.

A woman waits for her younger companions to finish retrieving belongings from their home as an Abilene police officer checks on other people evacuating the Continental Villa mobile home park March 17. A quickly-moving grass fire west of town was closing on the park, forcing the evacuation of the homes.
A woman waits for her younger companions to finish retrieving belongings from their home as an Abilene police officer checks on other people evacuating the Continental Villa mobile home park March 17. A quickly-moving grass fire west of town was closing on the park, forcing the evacuation of the homes.

Firefighters twice responded to fires at the former St. Ann's Hospital site.

Fire calls are in addition to rescues and emergency medical service calls.

Good news for AFD came in November, when voters easily passed a bond to build the city's ninth fire station in far south Abilene.

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: 2022: Culture wars, Mother Nature turn up the heat in Abilene