2023 vals: Wylie's Gertiser advises course of creativity in changing world

Good evening fellow graduates, esteemed faculty, and honored guests. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Ayden Gertiser, and I am honored to address you today as a member of the class of 2023. The road here wasn’t easy, but I’m glad to see that all of you made it today.

I was recently looking over a copy of the Wylie Growl magazine and something on the back cover really struck me. It was a picture of our mascot, Spike, with two young students, and the caption read “Class of 2034." I remember thinking, “No way that day actually gets here, right?

Surely AI will have taken over the world by then, or someone will bring dinosaurs back from extinction, or zombies, something, right!

Ayden Gertiser, Wylie High 2023 valedictorian.
Ayden Gertiser, Wylie High 2023 valedictorian.

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2034 - 11 years from now. It seems like an eternity to us, even if our parents say it is the blink of an eye. Eleven years ago was the Class of 2012, and I’m sure some of those graduates had the same reaction as I did thinking about that far in the future. Just for fun, and to gain some perspective, let's look at some of the things that happened back in 2012.

The first "Avengers" movie was released, only the sixth movie in a franchise spanning nearly two decades. NASA began receiving signals from the Mars Curiosity rover, trying to determine if the Red Planet could be a home for microscopic life. Scientists at the CERN particle accelerator discovered the Higgs Boson, which is the reason that objects have mass.

The world had nearly 1 billion fewer people than today, and as if that wasn’t enough, an ancient Mayan “doomsdaycalendar” had us all convinced that the world was ending on the 21st of December.

My point is, as we step out into the world as graduates, we face uncertainty like we’ve never encountered before. We don’t have the same safety net that has protected us so far, and none of us really knows what’s coming. You can make all the plans you want, have a career path set out from now until you retire, know where you want to live, know your strengths, and know your weaknesses, but you never really know how it's going to turn out. The world, our world, is changing faster than any of us can reasonably keep up with.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that none of you is feeling particularly inspired right now, and that’s understandable. But there are two ways of moving forward: You can let this uncertainty paralyze you, or you can let it free you. It's in these moments of not knowing what lies ahead that we have the opportunity to tap into our true potential, to think outside the box, and to embrace the power of our imagination.

Creativity is not just reserved for artists or musicians - and trust me, I’m majoring in physics, of all things - it is a fundamental human trait that each and every one of us possesses. It is the ability to approach problems from new angles, to connect seemingly unrelated dots, and to come up with innovative solutions. In the face of uncertainty, creativity becomes our guiding light.

We may not have all the answers right now, but that shouldn't scare us. Instead, it should give us the freedom to explore, experiment, and embrace the unknown. We have the opportunity to shape our own future, one that aligns with our passions and aspirations.

The world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and it demands individuals who are adaptable, flexible, and open to change. It requires us to break free from the shackles of convention and dare to think differently. The challenges we face may seem daunting, but it is through the lens of creativity that we can transform these challenges into opportunities.

Embracing creativity also means embracing failure. Not every idea will be a success, and not every path we choose will lead us to our desired destination. But that's okay. Failure is not the end; it is a stepping stone toward growth and improvement. It is through our failures that we learn valuable lessons, gain resilience, and refine our skills.

As we embark on our individual journeys, let us remember to nurture and cultivate our creativity.

Let us seek inspiration from the world around us, from nature, from art, and diverse perspectives.

Let us surround ourselves with people who challenge and uplift us, and who push us to reach beyond our perceived limits.

And, above all, let us have the courage to dream big. To dream of a future where our creativity has the power to change lives, to solve global problems, and to make a positive lasting impact.

So, my fellow graduates, as we step into this uncertain world, let us embrace the power of creativity. Let us be the catalysts of change, the dreamers who turn visions into reality. Let us forge ahead with determination, resilience, and an unwavering belief in our abilities.

With all that said, I do have one certainty: you all have listened to me for long enough. Wylie High School Class of 2023, thank you, and let's go get our diplomas, Bulldogs!

Ayden Gertiser is valedictorian of the Class of 2023 at Wylie High School.

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: 2023 vals: Wylie's Gertiser advises creative course in changing world