In 2024 We Can Quit Things With Nuance

This is part of Quit It, a series of essays on stopping things—or not.

We live in an era of moving on from things that we decide are no longer serving us. This can take all kinds of forms, from the quiet quit to the toxic-relationship cutoff to the deleting of our Twitter (X) accounts. Maybe, like me, you sometimes get the idea that your life would just be better without a particular thing in it—a habit, a vice, a person, a job. There is, on the other side of a breakup or resignation, a better existence for you. And sure: Occasionally, stopping entirely is clinically recommended. Yanking the rip cord on a situation can be the best course of action.

But more often, what is underlying a “quitting” is more like a renegotiation. Which is why, this week at Slate, we are running a series of essays on the topic of quitting. Some of them make specific suggestions, discussing why one might want to take a step back from one pursuit or another—and the joy that can be gained from letting go of something we feel we’re supposed to do, or supposed to have. Others grapple more with the idea of quitting itself. Because a quit, even when it is for good, is rarely clean. And when it comes to most things, do we even really want to quit forever? Or are we just seeking a better balance?

This all feels especially relevant in 2024, which promises to be an incredibly intense year, particularly when it comes to the news (and, uh, the future of democracy). As nice as it sounds, as Slate politics blogger Ben Mathis-Lilley once wrote, to be hit on the head with a shovel “in the manner of a cartoon character” and never think about Trump or wildfires or court rulings again, we are going to have to figure out how to opt in to following the news in a way that is sustainable—and how to escape from it in a way that is sustainable too.

Today we’re publishing the first two pieces: Amanda Knox writes about quitting alcohol and caffeine, and novelist Katie Heaney writes about quitting therapy. Read on for more reflections—on quitting jobs, on quitting social media, and more—throughout the week.