2024 will be a year of reckoning – the weak West must adapt, or perish

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Nato soldiers
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In 2024, more people around the world will take to the polls than ever before. From India to Iceland, the UK to Uruguay, more than two billion people in 50 countries will decide who governs them. And yet democracy has rarely felt more precarious.

Elections in countries like Belarus and Russia are, of course, a sham. Democracy as we understand it is diluting in India, where Narendra Modi leads what some call an “ethnic democracy”; in South Africa, where the corruption of the ANC is killing good government; and in Pakistan, where it is difficult to determine who among politicians, the military and intelligence agencies holds power. So much for all that aid spending.

Around the world, the forces of democracy face challenges greater than at any time since the end of the Cold War. The fighting in Ukraine goes on, and if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election this November, he will likely threaten to end American support for Kyiv unless President Zelensky negotiates – and cedes territory – to Vladimir Putin.
Relative Western decline and the rise of Chinese power means Taiwan, where elections this month are dominated by the threat posed by Beijing, is in grave danger. But Chinese aggression has other consequences, such as India’s growing relationship with Russia, which thwarts Western attempts to isolate Putin, and the need for the US and its allies to focus diplomatic and military resources in the Pacific.

The effects are clear around the world. If Western strategic attention had not been on China and the Pacific, Putin might not have been confident enough to invade Ukraine. Neither might he have done so without the backing of Xi Jinping, who has provided Russia with arms and economic support, nor without the knowledge that countries like India and Pakistan would continue to import Russian oil and gas.

This also helps to explain the alarming pattern of events in the Middle East, which threaten a new oil crisis and another global economic shock. Iran, determined to acquire its own nuclear weapons and eager to undermine the regional alliance of forces against it, has decided now is time to act.

The Iran-backed Hamas attacks on Israel, which formed an arc of powers against Tehran along with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, were almost certainly motivated in part to destroy the co-operation made possible by the Abraham Accords. The Houthi rebels, who, backed by Iran, have been fighting a bloody war against Yemeni and Saudi forces, have started to attack international shipping in the Red Sea. In the last year Tehran has increased its production of enriched uranium at its plants in Natanz and Fordow, prompting a joint statement last week by the US, Britain, France and Germany.
None of these events – nor others, such as Chinese exploitation of African minerals and Venezuela’s military threat to Guyana – is happening in isolation or by accident. They are all symptoms of the world in which we live today: one in which American leadership is more contested, and Western interests more openly challenged. This trend will only deepen, and there will be consequences for all our lives, and for our domestic politics.

It is already one reason why this is such a difficult time for incumbent governments across the West. In 2023, ruling parties lost elections in the Netherlands, Finland, Poland and Slovakia. In Spain, Pedro Sánchez held on only by cutting an amnesty deal with Catalan nationalists that undermined the constitution and rule of law. In Poland, the Law and Justice Party won most seats but lost its majority. In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders topped the ballot from the Right.

In 2024, we will see more of the same. In America, it is entirely plausible that Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination and then the presidency. Elections in Austria, Belgium and Portugal might see those countries turn Right, and it is probable that elections to the European Parliament will see populists elected from across the continent. In Germany, the AfD is ahead of all the governing parties, and in France Marine Le Pen and the Rassemblement National still looms large.
There are many local and specific reasons for this tumult, but some clear trends apply across the board. Voters are struggling with the consequences of global instability and, to varying degrees, their exposure to related risks caused by the policies of their national – and supranational – governments.

Some countries have better insulated themselves against the forces of globalisation than others. But even those with a better-balanced economy, with more industrial capacity, stronger exports and good blue-collar work, are starting to struggle. Rising industrial energy costs are crippling the manufacturers at the heart of the German economy. In Britain, dependent on imports for energy and much else, inflation has been harder to shake off than elsewhere.

Economic insecurity is matched by cultural insecurity. From Black Lives Matter to the anti-Israel marches, mass protests relating to ethnic and religious identity have highlighted how divided many Western countries have become. Voting blocs based on these identities are increasingly the norm. Stories of communal violence and attempts to impose de facto Islamic blasphemy laws by force are becoming more frequent, in Britain and elsewhere.

Immigration is a big part of the story. Annual net migration in Britain has reached a previously unthinkable 745,000, but we are far from the only country facing a crisis. Germany has three million refugees, including more than a million Syrians and half a million Afghans. In America, officials at the Mexican border encountered 225,000 illegal immigrants in December alone.

Some politicians and thinkers throw up their hands and dismiss these changes as inevitable. But in doing so, they only demonstrate the poverty of thought and timidity of action that is fuelling frustration with democratic politics and government. The usual way of doing business is delivering little but insecurity, and insecurity breeds instability. The challenges we face may derive from global problems as well as our own failures but that only makes the mission more important. We must sweep away the old, and build anew – better, stronger, and secure.

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