2024 Voter Guide: Candidates for Madison County Board District 24 Republican primary

Dwight Kay

Age as of March 19, 2024: 76

Campaign website or social media page: None

Office seeking: Madison County County Board District 24

Are you an incumbent? No

Have you run for elective office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Illinois State Representative

Occupation: Retired

Education: Taylor University, Samford U. School of Law

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Member of the Gideons International

Who are your top three campaign contributors? Self-funded

Why are you running? I’m running because Madison County government does not run well. Madison County’s Government is more concerned with building political power coalitions, than providing for the needs of their constituents. The County Board has no long- or short-term goals; no economic development plan; and no plan to reduce property taxes.

What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Voters have told me that property tax reduction is their top issue in this race, and I agree. I would address this critical issue by moving to zero-based budgeting to remove the fat out of the county’s budget, then by using existing property tax reduction laws provided by state statute, I would offer a resolution permitting citizens to vote on property tax increases. Voters deserve a choice as provided by state law.

Why should people vote for you? I listen to the people. The experience of working in the private sector for 45 years allows me to bring a vast number of management practices and organizational principles to end the malaise in Madison County government. My agenda for the board will be results driven, transparent, accountable, and driven by common sense.

Fred Schulte

Age as of March 19, 2024: 71

Campaign website or social media page: www.fredschulte.com

Office seeking: Madison County County Board District 24

Are you an incumbent? No

Have you run for elective office before? (Please list previous offices sought.) Edwardsville Township Supervisor, Edwardsville Township Clerk, Madison County Board - District 17

Occupation: Retired co-owner of Edwardsville Frozen Foods, community volunteer

Education: Edwardsville High School, Lewis and Clark Community College

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: Current Board member, Main Street Community Center (1 year)

Current Board member and former vice president, Church Council, Trinity Lutheran Ministries (14 years)

Current vice president and board member, Hamel Mutual Insurance Co. (33 years)

Edwardsville Township supervisor (3 years)

Edwardsville Township clerk (17 years)

Retired co-owner of Edwardsville Frozen Foods (51 years)

Who are your top three campaign contributors? Tom Allen, Bob Lord, John Schulte

Why are you running? I want to bring my small business experience, work ethic and common sense to the Madison County Board.

What is the top issue in your race, and how would you address it? Property taxes. I would work with my fellow County Board members to oppose unnecessary property tax increases.

Why should people vote for you? I have more than 50 years of small business experience and volunteering in our community. I will work hard to represent the residents of Madison County.