205 GOP congressmembers ask Supreme Court to stop punting and overturn Roe v. Wade already

More than 200 Republicans in Congress want the Supreme Court's next session to get here already.

A total of 39 senators, all Republicans, and 207 House members, all Republican but two, signed on to an amicus brief sent to the Supreme Court on Thursday asking it to reconsider some landmark abortion cases.

The brief comes ahead of the court's intention to consider June Medical Services LLC v. Gee this spring. June challenged a Louisiana law that would essentially shut down every abortion clinic in the state, and a lower court found in Louisiana's favor. The Republicans — along with Democratic Reps. Dan Lipinski (Ill.) and Collin Peterson (Minn.) — argue "Louisiana abortion clinics — including June Medical — have a long history of health and safety violations" and provide examples for their case. They then go on to say the Court should "reconsider" landmark abortion cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey "and if appropriate, overrule" them.

Just because some Republicans didn't jump on the brief didn't mean they don't support it, though. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent his own brief earlier in the day. And while another 12 Republican senators stayed mum, eight of them are up for re-election in states that could be flipped later this year.

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