These Are The 22 Funniest Parents On Social Media This Week

As you celebrate Labor Day this weekend, those of us who are now raising the results of another kind of labor day might need a little extra TLC.

Grab something off the grill and a cold beverage of your choice and laugh along with the funniest parents on Twitter this week!

I'm not lovin' it.

🎶 We're only getting older, baby... 🎶

Do as I say, not as I do.

What is life?

RIP my nose.

But seriously, the tear-aparts? No.

Winning. (Are we still saying "winning?")

What about this is not appealing?

My bad.

No, he cannot be more specific under any circumstances.


Not for amateurs.

I mean... same.

You're in trouble now.

I am not OK.

It's a lost cause.

Do not blow his cover!

It's OK. Really.

Big man on campus.

This was not in the vows.

The horror!


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