22 Charts That Taught Me Cool Things (And Most Were Things That Had Never Occurred To Me Before)

1.Here's a little info on how colors have been described to Blind people, and honestly, it's so wholesome.......??????

A chart describing colors

2.If you've ever wondered how common your birthday is, boy, do I have a chart for you!!!


3.This chart shows where in your body you feel different emotions, so that's pretty cool, I think!

Emotions within the body

4.This handy-dandy simplification of "their," "they're," and "there"...and on a T-shirt, no less!

A shirt with "their," "there," and "they're"

5.Here's a rather disheartening graph on inflation and deflation:

A graph showing inflation and deflation

6.Here's what Pangea would've looked like with today's borders:

Pangea if it existed today
Massimo Pietrobon / @massimo.pietrobon

7.There's this chart on just how painful it is to get each body part tatted:

A chart showing where on the body tattoos are the most and least painful

8.Here are some of the most famous and ✨extravagant✨ European crowns out there:

A chart showing the most famous crowns

9.This guide lets you know the order of priority in an emergency room:

A chart showing the priority of patients being seen an the ER

10.This is the ✨3/3/3✨ rule when it comes to adopting a dog:

A chart showing how long it takes for dogs to get used to being in a new home

11.If you're curious about genetics, here's this chart on hair color possibilities!!!

A chart showing the genetics behind hair color

12.And here's how babies supposedly view the world as their eyesight develops...pretty cool!!!


13.These are some places you can still work even if you've had a felony charge:

A paper showing where you can work if you're a convicted felon

14.In case you didn't know, there are hacks to googling!!!

A chart showing how to google

15.This artfully done needlepoint(???) that illustrates the various stages of decay:

A needlepoint showing the stages of decay

16.This helpful guide to different ways of having your steak cooked:

A guide on how to order steak

17.Here's some helpful language for how to make sure you get paid for your services (whatever they may be!):

A guide on how to advocate for yourself in asking for pay

18.Here's how taxes work, in case you're like me and absolutely do not get it:

A chart showing how taxes work

19.This visual on all the different tally marks around the world:

Tally marks in various parts of the world

20.This chart is proof that you don't need a college education to make money!!!

A chart showing the various amounts people who went to trade school make in their respective careers

21.Here's this handy-dandy trick for how to remember how long each month is!!!

The knuckle trick for knowing how many days are in each month

And lastly:

22.This play-by-play on how to make a truly iconic sofa fort:

Chart showing how to make a sofa fort