24-year Portsmouth NH rep. challenges primary loss. Durham race heads to recount, too.

Two Democratic New Hampshire state representative races on the Seacoast are among 10 primary contests statewide heading for a recount Monday in Concord, according to the secretary of state's recount agenda.

One recount challenge is from a Portsmouth incumbent who has served for more than 20 years.

Here's a look at the two local recounts coming out of Tuesday's statewide primary:

Robin Vogt vs Jackie Jacqueline Cali-Pitts

Rockingham County District 21 (Newington, Portsmouth Ward 1 — 1 seat): Robin Vogt is being challenged in a recount by incumbent Democratic state Rep. Jackie Jacqueline Cali-Pitts, who was first elected to the New Hampshire House in 1998. Vogt's victory came by a 274-265 vote in the Sept. 13 primary, according to the initial results.

Robin Vogt, was declared the winner in Rockingham 21 state representative race. His opponent, Jackie Cali-Pitts, has requested a recount
Robin Vogt, was declared the winner in Rockingham 21 state representative race. His opponent, Jackie Cali-Pitts, has requested a recount

The candidates tied 46-46 in Newington with Portsmouth Ward 1 voters giving Vogt the margin of victory. The winner of the recount will be uncontested in the Nov. 8 general election. Republicans don't have a candidate on the ballot in the heavily Democratic district.

Portsmouth resident and Democratic state Rep. Jackie Cali-Pitts.
Portsmouth resident and Democratic state Rep. Jackie Cali-Pitts.

Rep. Tim Horrigan vs Peyton McManus

Strafford District 10 (Durham — 4 seats): The recount here will be for the fourth and final Democratic nomination. Incumbent state Rep. Tim Horrigan (900 votes) is being challenged by Peyton McManus (892), according to initial results.

Tim Horrigan
Tim Horrigan

The top three finishers in the Demcratic primary were incumbent Rep. Cam Kenney (1,343), newcomer Loren Selig (1,159) and incumbent Rep. Marjorie Smith (1,085). That trio will be joined on the general election ballot by either Horrigan or Smith after the recount in a town that is a longtime Democratic stronghold.

Peyton McManus, District 10 Strafford, requested a recount of his state representative race
Peyton McManus, District 10 Strafford, requested a recount of his state representative race

The Republican challengers are Bonnie McDermott, Jennifer Betts Olszewski, Tyanne Sylvestre and Clifford E. Zetterstrom.

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What the candidates are saying

McManus said he's unsure a recount will change anything but with a margin of defeat of just eight votes, he wants to be sure.

"When you get into a campaign, you give it your all, 100%," McManus said. "You see all the support you get, and I am doing this for my supporters, and to see this through to the end."

Horrigan, too, said he does not think the outcome will change.

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Vogt said he was surprised by the recount request, though he won by just nine votes.

"It's interesting there is a recount as she said goodbye at the Statehouse on Thursday," Vogt said of Cali-Pitts. "But recounts are common in tight races. I will go into this confident I will still be the winner in the end."

Cali-Pitts said she just wants to be sure.

"Yes, I did request a recount because there was less than 10-vote difference," she said. "I also am very concerned by the paperwork required of poll workers and the amount of time required at the polls. This is a problem one that was created by a solution in search of a problem. Our poll workers are dedicated and honest, but nevertheless human and too many hours can lead to honest mistakes."

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This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Jackie Cali-Pitts, Durham candidate, calls for recount in NH primary