24th annual Festival of Trees in Exeter raises more than $50K

EXETER — A record amount of more than $50,000 raised at this year’s Festival of Trees exceeded expectations.

Organizers said thanks to the generous donations many more children in town will receive the gift of warmth this holiday season. All proceeds from the event go to the Community Children’s Fund and provide local families in need with vouchers for brand new winter clothing and bedding.

According to Festival of Trees co-chair Bonnie Galinski, the decision to use an online bidding platform again this year was a good one. “Last year, we made the decision due to concerns about COVID-19 and wanted to avoid crowding around the bidding tables," she said. "The community really embraced the change, so we decided to continue using the online bidding method.”

Galinski also shared a heartwarming story that stood out at this year’s event. After observing Kristin Lee Maclauchlan and her three children tearfully decorating a tree, she noticed they were dedicating it to MacLauchlan’s mother, Linda Lee.

Kristin Lee Maclaughlan and her three children decorated a tree in her mother’s honor at this year's Festival of Trees.
Kristin Lee Maclaughlan and her three children decorated a tree in her mother’s honor at this year's Festival of Trees.

“My mom, Linda, and I first visited Exeter during the Festival of Trees 11 years ago," said Maclauchlan. "We were surprised we couldn't find a place to park on the one open road and looked around in wonder at the hundreds of people we saw walking happily through town! We were handed hot chocolate from someone working for the bank and then walked up to the bandstand just as Santa and Mrs. Claus were counting down from 10 and lighting up the town. From that year on, my 'snowbirding' mother made it to every Festival of Trees and bid heavily until she passed from cancer in September. Creating a tree in her honor felt so obvious. It has been cathartic and beautiful and heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once.”

The winner of this year’s Raffle Tree, valued at over $7,000 in gift certificates, was longtime supporter Kat Murphy.

“I started with the Festival of Trees in 2014, so this marks my 8th time at the event," said Murphy. "I’ve always looked for ways I could give to the community, no matter how small. I love everything about the holiday season, especially the childhood memories. I feel that Christmas magic again when I watch the faces of the little kids (and even the 'big kids') light up at the Festival of Trees. Participating in the event gives me the chance to do something I really enjoy, and results in a financial outcome for the Community Children's Fund that's far beyond any amount I could donate on my own.”

Kat Murphy, who decorated the whimsical Elf themed tree, also won this year’s Raffle Tree valued at over $7,000 in gift certificates.
Kat Murphy, who decorated the whimsical Elf themed tree, also won this year’s Raffle Tree valued at over $7,000 in gift certificates.

This year, Murphy’s tree earned the third highest bid at $800. She always chooses a large tree up on the stage because of the wide variety of whimsical gifts she places on and around it.

“Once I decide on a theme, I collect ornaments and all the gifts that go under the tree all throughout the year," she said. "In past years, it's taken me just about the full 11 hours of decorating day to complete the tree. This year my sister was able to help, so we finished in 7.5 hours. It really is fun no matter how long it takes.”

Over $17,000 of the total was raised through the online silent auction of 51 trees. Festival of Trees committee member Linda Safford, who managed the “BetterWorld” bidding platform, said the feedback she received at the event was all positive. “There were quite a few friendly competitions between bidders again, which really helped to bring the numbers up.”

The Bayside Distributing tree received the highest bid at $2,500. Bayside Financial Burns/Desoye and Kat Murphy received the next highest bids at $850 and $800 respectively.

Ticket sales for the Raffle Tree, worth over $7,000 in gift certificates from local businesses, amounted to over $7,300. The tickets were purchased online again this year, which made it easier to buy multiple batches with just the click of a button.

The balance of funds raised at the two-day festival came from decorator registration fees, underwriter donations, Cookie Room sales, tree delivery fees, and general donations online and at the event.

All of the proceeds from the Festival of Trees benefit the Community Children’s Fund (CCF), providing warm winter clothing and bedding for children in need throughout 12 local communities.

The CCF, under the auspices of the Exeter Charitable Foundation, distributed 750 vouchers at almost $102,000 in value this past year. Recipients are identified by area social service agencies and school nurses. Funds raised at the Festival of Trees are a primary donation to this foundation.

For more information, or to make a donation, please visit the Festival of Trees website at www.exeterareacharitablefoundation/festivaloftrees or go to the Facebook page "Festival of Trees – Exeter, NH." For any questions, contact the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce at 603-772-2411.

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: 24th annual Festival of Trees in Exeter raises more than $50K