25-50-100 Years Ago -- Sept. 14

Sep. 14—100 Years Ago

Sept. 14, 1923

The new apple packing house of the Blue Ridge Fruit Growers' Company, located on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, opposite the plant of the Frederick County Products, Inc., has started operations. The first variety of apples being handled is the Grimes Golden. The shipment of these early apples will be light, but it is giving the new community packing shed an opportunity to get straightened out for the larger quantities of later varieties that will follow. Apples from the following six orchards are being hauled to the plant of packing: Gambrill, Quynn, R. Rush Lewis, McCain, Brocton and Haller orchards. The Baker Orchard Company and the Mountain City Orchard Company, while members of the local organization, are packing their own crops this season.

Returns from the Dempsey-Firpo heavyweight championship fight in New York Friday night will be secured by the News-Post by arrangement with the Associated Press, which will have a staff of correspondents and telegraph equipment at the ringside. Each round will be posted in the front of the News-Post building. The public is welcome to come and hear the progress of the bout, which has attracted the biggest seat sale of any ring match ever staged.

Mrs. Goldie Burdette, 27 years old, claiming Frederick city as her home, pleaded guilty to one of three indictments for bigamy, in the criminal court in Baltimore Thursday, and was sentenced by Judge Stein to six months in jail. It was said that the woman admitted to having five husbands, three of whom were named in the indictment. She is of good appearance and seemed unconcerned when faced with the indictment.

50 Years Ago

Sept. 14, 1973

Congressman Goodloe E. Byron moved on three fronts Thursday to prevent further Congressional action on the Sixes Bridge dam. Legislation to allocate $1.4 million to the Army Corps of Engineers for an engineering study of the Sixes and Verona dams was given a favorable report yesterday by the House subcommittee on Water Resources. The full House Public Works Committee will vote on the legislation Tuesday. "I will do all that I can to see this authorization removed when the bill is before the full Public Works Committee," Byron said.

Eleven girls will be vying for the title of FFA Sweetheart during a contest at the Catoctin High School Friday and the honor of reigning over the Thurmont-Emmitsburg Community Show.

The C&P Telephone Company started delivery of its new telephone directories today. Local Commercial Manager French Taylor said 56,000 copies of the new directory, featuring a full-color picture of Frederick's historic Hessian Barracks, will be distributed to customers during the next several weeks. Last year, 53,000 directories were distributed.

25 Years Ago

Sept. 14, 1998

A re-enactment of the 1862 Battle of South Mountain, a major Civil War fight in Maryland, attracted about 800 re-enactors and an equal number of spectators to the historic site in Boonsboro on Saturday.

A special connection between the first American-born saint and the United States Navy was celebrated in Emmitsburg Sunday at the Basilica of the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. A mass honoring the 23rd anniversary of the canonization of St. Elizabeth Ann. St. Elizabeth had two sons, William and Richard, who both served in the U.S. Navy in the early 1800s, and has been a patron saint of sailors since her canonization.

Seventeen-year-old Walkersville High School FFA student Luke Johnson won the State Tractor Driving contest at Maryland State Fair. Johnson has a 1948 International Farmall H-model tractor he has owned, operated and used on the farm since he was 13 years old.

(Editor's Note: The News-Post does not have access to archives from 20 years ago for April 16 through December 2003. The "20 Years Ago" summary will return Jan. 1, 2024.)