29 Black History facts you probably didn't learn in school

Ernest Crim III is your instructor for this 29-lesson course as CBS 2 celebrates Black History Month.  

Connect with Mr. Crim on TikTok and Twitter! 

Lesson 1: Kemet

Ancient Egyptians called their land "Kemet"--or Black Land. The first person to practice medicine was from Kemet, along with the first dentist!

Lesson 2: Shotgun homes and front porches

The shotgun home and front porch design originated in West Africa in what is now Nigeria.

Lesson 3: Walls of Benin

The Walls of Benin were four times longer than the Great Wall of China. So, what happened to them?

Lesson 4: University of Sankore

One of the first universities in the world was located in Mali.

Lesson 5: 1526

The year 1619 is known as the year that Blacks were first enslaved in America. What about the year 1526?

Lesson 6: Freedom by any means

How braided hair, Gospel music, and drums played a role in the liberation of Blacks.

Lesson 7: Benjamin Banneker

Meet the man who helped design Washington, D.C.,  and that's not all.

Lesson 8: Queen Nanny of the Maroons

She was like Harriet Tubman, but she freed slaves someplace else.

Lesson 9: Henry "Box" Brown

Learn more about how Henry Brown got his nickname. It's incredible.

Lesson 10: Henrietta Bowers

Learn how this undertaker used her background to free Black slaves.

Lesson 11: John Berry Meachum

Learn more about the "Floating Freedom School" and why Meachum had to put it on a boat.

Lesson 12: Lewis Latimer

How Louis Latimer made one of Thomas Edison's famous inventions better.

Lesson 13: Granville T. Woods

How modern wireless technology can be traced back to Granville Woods in the 1800s.

Lesson 14: Oscar Micheaux

The man who paved the way for today's great Black filmmakers.

Lesson 15: Marie Van Brittan Brown

Those Ring cameras are everywhere. It basically started with Marie Van Brittan Brown's invention in the 1960s.

Lesson 16: Alice Parker

Meet the woman behind central heating.

Lesson 17: Safe Bus Company

13 men pooled their savings to start a company to provide transit for Blacks in the South.

Lesson 18: Soul City

A state-of-the-art town was created in the 1970s.

Lesson 19: Robert Johnson

The founder of Black Entertainment Television.

Lesson 20: Douglas Wilder

The first Black governor in the United States.

Lesson 21: Mae Jemison

The pride of Morgan Park High School, she was the first Black woman in space

Lesson 22: Marian Croak

Have you ever been on a Zoom?  Marian Croak invented the technology.

Lesson 23: Million Marches

The movement behind the Million Man and Million Woman marches

Lesson 24: Hadiyah Green

She cured cancer -- with lasers

Lesson 25: DuSable

Meet the founder of Chicago, who made a fortune here

Lesson 26: John Jones

Chicago's first Black public official, and a conductor of the Underground Railroad

Lesson 27: Daniel Hale Williams

The pioneer of open heart surgery 

Lesson 28: Pullman Porters

Driving force behind Black migration

Lesson 29: Carol Moseley Braun

First Black woman elected to U.S. Senate

Bonus Lesson: Dr. Margaret Taylor Burroughs

Founder of DuSable Museum

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