"There's No Need For Me To Pay You": 31 Out-Of-Control Influencers Who Need To Tone Down Their Entitlement A Billion Notches

1. This influencer who needs people to sponsor her vacation:

2. This influencer who immediately gave up:

3. This influencer who straight-up said they're a nightmare to work for:

4. This influencer who begged for a free flight:

5. This influencer who wanted to get police involved:

6.This whiny wedding influencer:

The influencer asks a musician to write a song and perform an hourlong set at their wedding, but says they won't be paying and will do promo social media posts instead
The musician says they'd rather have the money, the influencer says the wedding will be full of other influencers, and the musician says great, more people who won't pay me

7. This influencer who wanted a free puppy:

8. This influencer with no respect for a small brand:

9. This influencer who gave this restaurant a "pizza" her mind:

10. These ridiculous Insta influencers:

11. This influencer who went bananas over balloons:

The influencer says the owner of a balloon company is a dumbass for not giving her balloons for free
The influencer goes on to call the business owner a silly bitch and says they will just look for another company to do it for free

12. This influencer who had an empanada tantrum:

13.This influencer who tried to get petty "payback":

The influencer asks to get $100 off their order and they'll take video of the food being made and post it to their Instagram page
When the business rejects the offer, the influencer responds by mentioning the business in their Instagram story with insults about their food

14. This urgent, up-front influencer:

15. This influencer who messed with the wrong mom:

16. This influencer just shooting their shot:

17. This influencer who somehow thought people would be on her side:

  u/saareadaar / Via reddit.com
  u/saareadaar / Via reddit.com

18. This influencer who didn't let the pandemic stop them from begging for free stuff:

19. This Bachelorette contestant/influencer who wants free rent:

20. This eBay influencer:

21. This influencer who doesn't even have influence:

22. This influencer who just wants a meal:

23. This influencer with such an inflated ego:

24. This influencer looking for free styling:

25. This influencer who, surely, could afford to pay their intern:

26. This influencer who will pay in exposure:

27. This influencer who swooped in and dropped their rates:

28. This influencer who will totally try and pay you later:

29. This influencer who really wants a drone:

30. This "huge social media influencer":

31. Finally, this influencer who at least admitted they just want a free product:

Check out r/ChoosingBeggars for more infuriating content!