317 Project: Folding clothes in Grace Tuxedo with all things culinary on her mind

The 317 Project tells stories of life in all of Indianapolis’ vibrant neighborhoods – 317 words at a time.

Julia Montgomery finds a few moments every day to conjure a recipe, learn wine pairings and perfect the yeast roll.

It took a long time to discover that working in restaurants might be what she was meant to do all along. She aims to open her own restaurant and wants to run the show.

“I always tried to find what I really wanted to do,” Montgomery said in a Grace Tuxedo laundromat.

The 42-year-old spent years raising her kids and then more being a dutiful grandmother.

She held odd jobs as she took care of her family, all while pondering what her passion would be as she tried different ones on.

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Her three sisters all found their careers when they were younger: nursing and speech therapy. She even studied nursing but it was not for her, she said.

A food server for more than 20 years, she would always come back between jobs.

As she waited for clothes to dry, Julia read through a book on Spanish wines, assigned reading for her culinary classes at Ivy Tech Community College.

She’s eager to know more. Fine dining and all of its realms have her spinning through conversation about every possibility.

“I just do a lot of different recipes that I’m like, ‘Huh, this sounds good,’” Montgomery said. “Every once in a while, I'll tweak it.”

She’s building a vision of dining in her head as she folds shirts and pants.

Her father, an Army veteran and cook in his own right, shares that vision. He, like the rest of her family, believes in her food and ideas.

“When it comes to cooking and drumming things up, I'll call him every once in a while and go back and forth with ideas,” Montgomery said.

She will be the one to follow, or trailblaze as they say. It’s her turn now.

“It’s my time, I’m ready,” Montgomery said. “I’m ready.”

Have a tip for a story in one of Indianapolis’ neighborhoods? Let us know at 317project@indystar.com.

Rachel Fradette is a general assignment reporter at IndyStar. Contact her at rfradette@indystar.com or follow her on Twitter at @Rachel_Fradette.

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: 317 Project: Folding clothes in Grace Tuxedo with cooking on her mind