50 thoughtful good morning texts to send to someone you love

Aside from a nice hot cup of coffee, there's nothing better than getting a sweet good morning text from your loved one.

After all, who doesn't love knowing that they are the first thing on their partner's mind when they wake up?

The simple act of letting your partner know that you're thinking about them can mean more for your relationship than you know.

“Intimate partnerships need meaningful ongoing connection to thrive. After years in a relationship, many of us stop prioritizing our partners because we are busy focusing on children, work and other responsibilities,” Lise Deguire, Psy.D., a psychologist and author, tells TODAY.com. “Just like any other important person, our partners need to feel that we think of them often with love and affection.”

Sending a thoughtful message to your loved one is a great way to remind them how much you love and appreciate them, even on those rushed mornings when you're both hustling out the door.

Whether you send some words of affirmation, a silly joke, or a simple reminder that you're thinking about your partner, a sweet morning text is sure to bring a smile to their face.

We asked experts to weigh in on the most meaningful messages to send to your loved ones. From hilarious to heartfelt, these good morning texts will deepen your connection with those closest to you.

Good morning texts for her

  • Good morning, I am thinking of you. “Everyone needs to feel that their partner remembers them and cares about them, more than anyone else,” Deguire says.

  • Just the thought of you makes me smile. “This phrase can remind the reader of the early days of being in love and feeling treasured,” Deguire says.

  • Good morning! I know you’ve been stressing about ___ this week. What can I do to help support you? Specifically acknowledging that you've been actively listening to your partner will make them feel heard, according to Kelly Neupert, LPC, a licensed professional counselor and career coach. “Asking what you can do to help versus assuming what they need ensures that you don’t waste energy trying to mind-read and increases the chances of your partner getting their needs met.”

  • The sound of your voice is music to my ears. Even your groggy, bleary morning voice is precious to your partner. If you both have some free time, follow up this sweet message with a quick phone call.

  • I appreciate everything you do for me, particularly... “Many of us feel our efforts are taken for granted," Deguire says, noting that this text lets the recipient know that their efforts are seen and appreciated.

Good morning texts (TODAY Illustration)
Good morning texts (TODAY Illustration)
  • Good morning my love! I cherish every moment we spend together. This sweet, simple message will show her how important she is in your life.

  • Send a photo of a favorite memory of the two of you around this time of year. Sending a photo of an old memory will help spark feelings of joy and contentment for your partner. “It also might shed insight on the rituals you find meaningful between you and your partner, and serve as a reminder to celebrate them this year,” Neupert adds.

  • I think of you from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. Remind your partner that she's always on your mind. Even if you spend the day apart, she's still in your heart.

  • You make the world a better place. “This phrase would ground the reader in knowing they have deep value in the world, and that their life makes a difference,” Deguire says.

  • With you, every day is an adventure. Your relationship is always exciting, no matter how long you've been together. This message will show her how much you appreciate her spontaneity.

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  • I hope your day is as wonderful as you are! Remind your partner that she deserves the best with this sweet sentiment.

  • Say thank you for something your partner has done recently that you haven’t acknowledged yet. The more specific you can be here, the better. A message like “I really appreciate you prioritizing spending the holiday with my family. I know it was probably stressful, but they were so happy to meet you and it was really important to me” is a solid way of expressing your gratitude, according to Neupert.

  • Every morning is brighter with you by my side. Your partner's smile is brighter than the morning sunshine. Tell her how much you adore her sunny disposition, today and every day.

  • I'm sending you a big virtual hug this morning. Sometimes, your schedule won't let you give your partner a morning hug, kiss, or pep talk. Make up for it with this thoughtful text.

  • Good morning! I have a fun date planned for us tonight. I'll pick you up at 7! Sometimes the best date is the one you don't have to plan. Build your partner's anticipation for a fun, creative date night.

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Good morning texts for him

  • I see how hard you work and I really appreciate it. According to Deguire, many men want to feel that their contributions are seen and valued.

  • You get me excited about what’s possible. Mornings don’t have to be boring, and the thought of your bright future together will definitely put a pep in his step.

  • Say thank you for something your partner has recently done. Expressing this sentiment goes both ways in a relationship. “We often appreciate so many things, but forget to vocalize it past ‘thank you,’” Neupert says, adding that you should get specific and detailed about why the act mattered to you.

  • Thank you for always being my rock. When you're having a tough day, he's always there to bring the sunshine. Tell him how much his support means to you with this thoughtful message.

  • This is ____ requesting a Zoom meeting with ____. Urgent quality time needed. Please confirm if ___ (time) works for you. “Even if we live with our significant others, it can be difficult to spend actual time reconnecting with them,” Neupert says. “Sending a calendar invite is a funny way to get on your partner’s radar.”

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  • Be sure to take care of yourself today. I love you! “A lot of men need encouragement from their partners to take good care of themselves,” Remind them that you care with this sweet text message.

  • Good morning! I’m so lucky to be with you. This short and sweet message is the perfect way to show your partner that you think the world of him.

  • I’m always on your side. “We all want to feel that their partners have our backs, and that we can rely on our partners no matter what,” Deguire says.

  • Good morning sunshine! We’re patiently waiting for you to get up so we can tell you we love you. [Send picture with the dog] “Who doesn’t love pictures of their pets with a sweet message," Neupert asks.

  • You’re the cheese to my macaroni. You and your partner are a perfect pair, and this sweet message is sure to warm his heart.

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  • Good morning rock star! What guy doesn’t love being called a rock star? We like this fun suggestion from Deguire, and it’s also suitable for anyone in your inner circle you adore.

  • Good luck with your meeting today. “It is always helpful for your partner to remember important aspects of your work life, which reduces stress and feeling isolated with pressure and anxiety,” Deguire says.

  • I’m grateful for you this morning, and every morning! This message will make your partner feel the love as he starts his day.

  • Send a meme. Neupert says that texting your partner a meme — a humorous image, video, or word or phrase — is the best way to send them into a laughing fit, especially if it’s one that alludes to an aspect of your relationship or a recent experience.

  • You look extra cute when you're snoring. This text is equal parts silly and sweet, and it's guaranteed to bring a smile to your live-in love's face.

Good morning texts (TODAY Illustration)
Good morning texts (TODAY Illustration)
  • Good morning! This is your daily reminder that you’ve got this. If he has a busy day ahead, bolster his spirits with this supportive text.

  • Sending you positive energy this morning! This cute message will brighten his day almost as much as the morning sunshine.

  • Good morning! I’m cheering you on today and every day. When he needs some extra support, a sweet message like this one will definitely boost his mood.

  • I'm already counting down the minutes until I see you again. Whether you're in a long distance relationship or you just kissed him goodbye for work, let him know that you're always thinking of him.

  • Morning! I hope your coffee is as hot as you are. This flirty message will start off his day with a smile.

Sweet and funny good morning texts for anyone

  • I saw this cute _____ and it reminded me of you. Bring on the adorable puppy and turtle photos. “Cute photos of animals almost always brighten a person’s morning,” Deguire says.

  • Good morning! I hope you have a great day! This simple yet sweet text will start their day off on a positive note, according to Mike Anderson, PhD, a sex and relationship therapist.

  • The thought of you makes me happy every day. “It is so meaningful to know that we have a loving impact on the people around us,” Deguire says. We agree that this heart-melting sentiment will make someone’s morning, and perhaps, entire day.

  • Remember when... Neupert recommends sending a photo or brief anecdote about a time you shared with a loved one. Who doesn't love walking down memory lane? Exactly.

  • One of my favorite things about you is... "Tell them something you’ve noticed about them, but that you haven’t vocalized to them before,” Neupert says. You can make this message about their personality, a kind act they did for you recently or a mix of both.

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  • I can’t wait to see you later today. Who said you need a long text message to express how much you care? “A little effort goes a long way when it comes to showing someone you value them,” Anderson says.

  • Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. This sincerely sweet message is a great way to show how much you appreciate your loved one.

  • You’re the best, just remember that! Another short and sweet note: "This flattering message is perfect for letting someone know that you’re thinking of them,” Anderson says. “It’s sure to make them feel loved and appreciated.”

  • I love you as much as I love chocolate, and that means a whole lot. Chocolate aficionado? Try this missive. “Sometimes, the only way to capture how much we love someone is through a delicious chocolate reference,” Deguire says.

  • I woke up and reached for you this morning and you weren’t there. I miss you and can’t wait to see you! If you don't live with your partner, Neupert says this one's for you. You can also send it if your live-in sweetheart is out of town.

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  • Good morning! I know you’ve been stressing about ___ this week. How can I support you? This message works for just about anyone in your life. “It shows that you’re paying attention and care about how they’re feeling. It also gives them the opportunity to be direct with how you can help,” Neupert says.

  • Rise and shine! It’s time to start your day ... unless you’d rather stay in bed all day and watch Netflix. I won’t tell anyone. “Not everyone is a morning person,” Anderson says. “This is sure to put a smile on their face.”

  • Good morning! I hope you have a great day ... but if you don’t, just know that I’ll be here to listen to you vent about it later. “This is perfect to cheer someone up or give them a little bit of a positive attitude to face the day,” Anderson says.

  • Morning. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two tired! “Doesn’t ever hurt to start someone’s day off with a little bit of laughter,” Anderson says. Need some inspiration? Check out our list of dad jokes.

  • Want to quit our jobs and run away? Or pose this funny question by Neupert if you two are in need of a vacation. Who knows, maybe they’ll say ‘yes!’

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This article was originally published on TODAY.com