4 of our favourite pieces of surfboard art from the Wavescape fest!

Cape Town - Nine of South Africa’s top artists, including Brett Murray, Beezy Bailey and Asha Zero took part in the Wavescape Art Board Project.

The exhibition is part of the annual Wavescape Festival that takes place in Cape Town every year and includes an impressive movie night on Clifton beach. (More info about that here.)

The festival consists out of 5 parts of which the Art Board Project is one.

The organisers of Wavescape asked the artists to turn nine “Fish” surfboards (a shorter, wider board with a fish tail) into works of art that go on display from 23 November to 1 December at Tiger’s Milk in Muizenberg, Cape Town.

The boards will then become available for purchase in an auction evening featuring comedian Rob van Vuuren.

Proceeds will be donated to the NSRI, Waves For Change trauma programme, Shark Spotters, Cancer Dojo and The Little Optimist Trust.

Here are just 4 our favourite boards:

Beezy Bailey:

Brett Murray:

Jake Aikman:

Sanell Aggenbach:

(Photos: Supplied)