471 COVID-19 Tests At Ripken Stadium Discarded: Report

ABERDEEN, MD — Hundreds of COVID-19 tests administered at Ripken Stadium the day it opened for drive-thru testing were reportedly discarded.

The company contracted to conduct the testing had an outbreak of COVID-19 and had to close down, according to a statement from the Harford County Health Department.

As a result, the saliva samples for PCR tests were diverted to a backup laboratory, but by the time they arrived, it was too late for them to be processed, officials said.

At the Ripken Stadium drive-thru site, people receive a rapid test as well as a PCR test.

The PCR tests from Jan. 10 were the only ones that were affected, according to the health department. Officials said those who passed through the drive-thru that day received rapid tests that were valid.

A total of 471 PCR tests were discarded, according to WJZ.

Those who got tested Jan. 10 and wondered why their results never came through should return to get tested at the Ripken site, Harford County health officials advise. Upon arriving in the parking lot at Leidos Field and verifying they were tested on Jan. 10, they can be put into an express queue by turning on their hazards/flashers.

"No other dates or tests are affected," Harford County health officials said in a statement about the Jan. 10 incident. "We deeply apologize for this unforeseen experience as we all struggle through the recent COVID-19 surge."

The drive-thru site has since switched from saliva samples to nasal swabs.

The Harford County Health Department also opened a preregistration portal after the first day of drive-thru testing at Ripken Stadium resulted in long lines.

Preregistration is encouraged but is not required.

To get tested, people must stay in their vehicles and wear face coverings. They do not have to be Harford County residents. People are asked to bring their photo identification and insurance card, if they have one.

Drive-thru COVID-19 testing is offered from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Saturday at 873 Long Drive in Aberdeen.

See Also: COVID-19 Testing At Ripken Stadium Opens In Aberdeen

This article originally appeared on the Havre de Grace Patch