4th of July celebration planning underway

May 9—POMEROY — Pomeroy is raising funds for an inaugural 4th of July celebration this year.

The Big Bend Area Fireworks event is set for July 2, beginning at 4 p.m. with a firework display at 9:45 p.m.

According to Leif Babb with the Village of Pomeroy Police Department, fireworks will be conducted by Hamburg Fireworks out of Lancaster and the show will last approximately 15-20 minutes. They are likely to be set off at the Pomeroy Ball Fields

Babb said there will be food vendors, live entertainment, potentially a bounce house, super heroes from Wolfe Mountain Entertainment and other activities for the area youth at the levee.

There will be a car show, sponsored by C and J Auto Body of Pomeroy with a $10 entry fee, which will be awarded back to the winners of each category in the show. Children 16 years old and under will be able to bring their Power Wheels and Bicycles to be judged by members of C and J Auto Body.

"We want to get people out of their homes this summer and give them something to do free of charge — get them active and socializing with other members of the community," Babb said. "I'm working to make sure the event offers something to each generation."

Babb said he is also working to have a tent for community members to met local first responders.

"We also want to interact with the public and let them know that we have a new administration and new officers here at Pomeroy PD who care about the community and are here to help them," Babb said.

For the event, Babb said they are still in need of food vendors or other vendors. There is no charge to be a vendor at this year's event and electric and water will be provided. Vendors wishing to have a booth at the event can email [email protected] or call 740-992-6411.

"This event is only possible with donations from private donors, as public funds will not be used to support it," Babb said. There is a Facebook page for the event titled Big Bend Area Fourth of July Fireworks with a list of donors, vendors and activities.

Babb said there will a boot drive conducted in May at the intersection of Main Street and Court Street to raise money for the event. Babb said there will also be a raffle or auction to help with funding.

Individuals or business can drop a new item off at the police department for the raffle or auction by June 1.

Those wishing to make a monetary donation may mail a check or stop by the Pomeroy Village Hall at 660 East Main Street, STE A, Pomeroy, Ohio 45769, or call the office at 740-992-6411.

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