5 mantras to remind you how to love yourself, this Valentine's

Photo credit: Country Living
Photo credit: Country Living

From Country Living

In recent years, Valentine’s Day has gone through a bit of a transformation – it is no longer a day reserved for couples and couples alone, but instead an opportunity to show love in general.

Some will go for a meal with their significant other, while others might prefer to unite for a Galentine’s celebration, or a quiet night in with their four-legged love, their dog.

Whoever may be the subject of your affection, we are all for spreading the love far and wide. But don't forget someone truly important... yourself.

This year, we want to embrace self-love and the idea that the kinder you are to yourself, the kinder you will be to others.

Experts at micro-learning app Blinkist have complied a list for Country Living of the most popular self-love tips and mantras from thousands of non-fiction books. Put these into practice this Valentine's...

1. Set a goal

"To find your meaning you need an ultimate goal in life to focus on. The end goal is irrelevant, as long as it immerses you fully in increasingly complex challenges, allowing you to disregard others’ opinions." Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Self-care doesn’t get more real than focusing on your short- and long-term goals. Take some time for yourself and focus on what you want to achieve, and how you can get there. Setting aside time to reassess your priorities is important and is a great way of tuning out the voices of doubt (whether these are coming from those around you, or from your greatest critic, yourself). Similarly, identifying and setting yourself manageable goals will help you focus, work hard towards your long-term aim and not feel discouraged in the long run.

2. Stay in the present

Photo credit: Country Living
Photo credit: Country Living

This is a fantastic mantra to keep repeating to yourself whenever you feel overwhelmed with everything around you. After all, one of the biggest causes of stress for most people is worrying about something that has happened already, or about something that might or might not come about. It is important to understand that you can only control the present, and worrying about anything else is pointless. Re-focus your energies on having the best, and most optimal present moment you can possibly have.

3. Perfect your morning routine

"Minute one – sit in silence; minute two – recite your affirmations; minute three – visualise your day going perfectly; minute four – note down some things to be grateful for and what you want to achieve during the day; minute five – read two pages of a book; and finally, minute six – do some push-ups and crunches." Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Self-care is something you should practice on a day-to-day basis, and there is no better way to help yourself get started than taking a couple of minutes to refocus yourself. The above advice focuses on all the right things - starting the day on a positive note, doing a bit of light exercise, focusing on what you want to achieve and taking absolute control of your life.

4. Stimulate ideas

"To stay mentally healthy, you should, as far as possible, read plenty of good books, make time for your own writing in some form – be it letters or a diary – and actively plan your future according to your long-term goals." The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Taking care of yourself starts with maintaining your mental wellbeing, and a great way of doing this is keeping track of your own ideas, as well as absorbing the great thoughts of others. Find the time to put your important ideas to paper, as this will give you the ability to revisit them whenever you need to. And let’s be honest, reading has always been synonymous with self-care.

5. Sleep, sleep, sleep

Photo credit: Country Living
Photo credit: Country Living

Getting the right amount of sleep has a huge number of benefits - a well-rested person is more productive, more focused and definitely happier than someone who never gets enough sleep. Wrap up your day of self-care with a great night’s sleep, leaving you fresh and full of energy to take the next day head on.

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