5 positive things that can happen when you quit smoking

Photo credit: Mohamed Aalif / EyeEm - Getty Images
Photo credit: Mohamed Aalif / EyeEm - Getty Images

From Netdoctor

If you’re thinking of ditching the habit, this expert advice might help.

We asked two GPs to share the biggest and best health benefits that come with giving up smoking. Here’s what they told us…

1. Your lungs should thank you

Most us know smoking isn’t great for our lungs, but do you know why exactly? South London-based GP, Dr. Alex Gill, explains. “Smoking removes the elasticity of the lungs, making them more like a loose carrier bag and less like the balloons they should be. This leads to lower oxygenation of the blood with reduced exercise tolerance, increased risk of infections and perhaps even dependence on supplementary oxygen through an inhaler.

"While quitting smoking doesn’t necessarily mean your lungs will go back to the way they were before smoking - this depends on your age and smoking history - you can still slow down the deterioration and your health is likely to benefit. The main thing to remember is the earlier you stop, the better. But it’s never too late!”

2. You’ll probably look better (and younger, too)

The average Brit spends around £4,500 on their looks every year. But what if there was an easier (and cheaper) way of getting that healthy glow? Oh hang on, there is. “The damage smoking does is due to the thousands of additional compounds that are generated by burning tobacco,” explains Dr. Gill. “One of these is carbon monoxide, which binds to haemoglobin and displaces oxygen.”

The result? “Reduced oxygen levels lead to poor healing and maintenance of skin, nails and hair and can result in smokers looking prematurely aged.”

3. Chances are, your heart will be happier

“Heart attacks and strokes are both caused by narrowing of the main blood vessels (known as atherosclerosis) and smoking can dramatically increase our risk of this,” says Dr. Gill.

But it’s not just that. “The smoker carries similar elevated risks of kidney problems, eye issues and an array of other complaints generally termed peripheral vascular disease.”

4. You should feel less stressed

According to Dr. Gill, one of the main illusions around smoking is that it relieves stress. The reality? Not so much. “As a GP this is the number one reported worry when a patient is deliberating whether or not to quit,” he says. “They tell me, ‘I need it because I'm stressed and smoking calms my nerves,’ but the reality is that smoking probably contributes a lot of this stress.”

The reason why? “Nicotine is an addictive substance, and the stress of withdrawal increases as time progresses from your last cigarette. But people often attribute this to other situational stresses and reach for a cigarette to help. Once you quit, it’s highly likely your stress levels will feel lower, not higher.” Plus, think of all that money you’re saving, too…

5. You're less likely to suffer from colds

How often do you think about your immune system? Probably not until you come down with a cold or the dreaded flu, right? Well, for smokers that can be a regular occurrence since smoking has a negative effect on our immune system.

“When you quit smoking, it takes between two and 12 weeks for your blood circulation to improve,” explains MedicSpot GP, Dr Zubair Ahmed. “Your body will begin to repair the damage caused by smoking, returning your white blood cell count back to normal. As your immune system is no longer exposed to tar and nicotine from smoking, it will become easier for your body to fight colds and flu and you should find you become ill less often.”

Give yourself the best possible chance to quit by investing in a personalised plan, like My Quit Plan by Nicorette.

Nicorette contains nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label.

Healthcare professionals quoted in this article do not endorse Nicorette or any other brands.


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