5 simple ways to help animals like the ones at Woodland Park Zoo

Rhinos, tigers, sloth bears and Komodo dragons – the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle is home to some of the world’s most exotic animals.

Exotic, and often endangered.

Experts like Dr. Bonnie Baird, the zoo’s animal welfare scientist, say humans are making it harder for animals to exist in the wild because of habitat encroachment and global warming.

“I would love for all animals to be living in the wild. That would be amazing,” said Baird. “Unfortunately, there is no wild left. There’s just not a place for many of these animals to live and thrive anymore because of people.”

So, what can you do to help? Here are five things you can do starting today, according to the Woodland Park Zoo’s website.

5 Ways to Help the Animals
  1. Recycle cellphones. The zoo even has drop boxes at both entrances.

  2. Avoid plastic water bottles and coffee cups. More than 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every year, and it’s very slow to break down.

  3. Avoid using unsustainable palm oil. It’s found in many common products like lipstick, margarine, chocolate, soap – even vegan cheeses.

  4. You can also buy local foods from farmers’ markets to reduce your carbon footprint.

  5. Finally – visit the zoo! It supports the Woodland Park Zoo’s conservation efforts, and you can learn about amazing animals up close and personal.

Learning more about the magnificent creatures of Woodland Park Zoo is one way to become better informed about our impacts on their lives.

Catch “Animal Choice and Care” – the latest episode of “Wildlife: A Look Inside Woodland Park Zoo” – for free on KIRO7.com/Zoo on your favorite device with the KIRO 7 app.

This is a sponsored post and part of the docuseries “Wildlife: A Look Inside Woodland Park Zoo,” a paid partnership between Woodland Park Zoo and KIRO 7.