5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Organic Food

Swanson Health Products CEO Ken Harris discusses the popularity of going all-natural and organic food.

Anyone with a family knows how expensive buying groceries can be. Even if you don't have a family, you have likely noticed. In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows that 59 percent of Americans are spending more on groceries than they were a year ago.

This poses a challenge for those who like to buy organic food, since it tends to be especially pricey. However, it doesn't have to be that way. There are ways to buy organic food and be cost-conscious while doing so. If you're wanting to add more organic foods to your regular diet, but are afraid of the cost, then these tips should help.

Buy in Bulk:

It might seem counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to save money on organic food is to buy it in bulk. If you are a Costco member then you've likely noticed they have added significantly more organic products lately -- both produce and non-produce items alike.

As with many other items at Costco, most of their organic offerings can be had for a significant value if purchased right. The key to saving money while purchasing organic items at Costco is making sure you and your family will be able to consume the given item before it goes bad. While Costco does have a generous return policy, you want to make sure the purchase will actually result in savings as opposed to getting thrown out because you didn't eat it in time.

Know What to Skip:

Many assume when you buy organic that every item you bring into the house must be organic. While that is nice, you most certainly don't need to do that and you can still have an organic-based diet. The trick comes in knowing what organic foods to avoid as they'll add little value to your desire to be organic.

Take a look at the food you're purchasing. Will you be consuming the skin on the produce? If not, then you can easily buy the non-organic version and save a ton of money. This would include items like bananas, oranges, lemons and coconuts. As you obviously won't be consuming the banana or orange peel, you can save money by purchasing the non-organic version. The beauty is that this allows you to stretch your dollar to afford the items where you will be consuming the peel or skin.

Grow Your Own:

If organic foods are important to you then likely the easiest and most common option is to grow them yourself. Not only does this mean you get to control the kind of item that is grown, but you also get to control what is put on the produce as well as how it's fertilized. With a very small investment, and very little experience, you can start your own organic garden. You can stretch your dollar even more by freezing or canning items you grow for consumption later in the year.

Many people believe they don't have the space or knowledge to start a garden, but don't allow that to hold you back if organic food is a priority to you. Even if you live in an apartment, or have a very small backyard, you can start a simple garden with planters or pots to get you some of the basics. With the Internet, you can find most of the knowledge you need to get started, and don't forget to ask your local nursery for planting tips.

Buy Local:

One of the key drivers to eating organic is knowing where your food came from. If you're looking to save money on organics, then consider buying local to make your budget stretch further. This can be done through a variety of options, but mainly through joining a community-supported agriculture delivery, usually called a CSA. This approach allows you to take part in locally grown produce that you can get from a farmer in your area. What if a CSA is not an option for you? You can get much of the same benefit from going to local farmers markets. Not only will both options help you get organic food in season, but they are usually somewhat cheaper than what you'll find at the store.

Don't Be Afraid to Go Generic:

The final option to save money on organic food is to consider generic items. This will vary by store of course, but in some cases you can get generic items for considerably less without sacrificing quality. If you like to shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's, for example, consider the store brand, which usually costs less.

Buying organic food can add to the bottom line of your grocery budget, but by following a simple plan you can significantly reduce your costs.

John Schmoll is the founder of Frugal Rules, a finance blog that regularly discusses investing, budgeting and frugal living. He is a father, husband and veteran of the financial services industry who's passionate about helping people find freedom through frugality.