5 stunning lattes on TikTok

After checking out these 5 stunning lattes, that heart-shaped foam art on your cappuccino might not seem quite as impressive as before. 1. Iced Fairy Floss Latte. Ice, espresso, and a blue cotton candy lead to a candy heaven fit for Willy Wonka himself. Ice, espresso, and a blue cotton candy lead to a candy heaven fit for Willy Wonka himself. Ice, espresso, and a blue cotton candy lead to a candy heaven fit for Willy Wonka himself. 2. S’mores Latte. This iced latte is a caffeinated take on the campfire classic. 3. Strawberry Matcha Latte. The green matcha powder and single strawberry topping finish off the caffeinated artistry, guaranteed to impress audiences across your feeds. The green matcha powder and single strawberry topping finish off the caffeinated artistry, guaranteed to impress audiences across your feeds. 4. Cereal Milk Latte. This video features a classic Cinnamon Toast Crunch infused milk, but the cereal aisle is your oyster!. 5. Iced Blue Latte. This baby blue latte infused with butterfly pea flower is mesmerizing to watch as it gets created