Traveling And Bringing Your Birth Control With You? Here Are 5 Things To Consider

When I first started traveling, I used to stress about the typical stuff; how to fit everything in my carry-on, how to make it to my connecting flight despite a short layover, and how to alleviate jet lag.

Now that I have more experience traveling, I’ve discovered other things that I never thought would impact my escapades around the globe. For example, birth control. You’d think it’s as easy as taking your pill daily as you usually do and nothing changes, right? Well, not necessarily.

I’ve been in nearly every situation imaginable. I’ve struggled to keep up with taking my birth control at my original time because I was in a completely different time zone. I’ve gotten food poisoning and puked shortly after swallowing my birth control. I’ve even completely run out of refills for my next pack of pills and didn’t realize it until after I already left for a baecation.

To avoid the mishaps I’ve gone through in the past, here are five things you should know about birth control while traveling, according to experts:

1.First, when crossing time zones, take your birth control pill every day during the timeframe from your original time zone.

A stock image of birth control pill packs on a green background

2.You can skip your period by starting a new pack of pills earlier, but there may be some drawbacks.

A woman with period blood spotting on her underwear

3.If you get food poisoning or are sick to your stomach within hours of consuming your birth control pill, you may need to take another one.

person on the couch sick

4.If you’ll be out of town when your refill is scheduled to arrive, the likelihood that you can get over-the-counter birth control varies significantly by country.

A TSA-scan of a travel bag with birth control and condoms inside

5.When embarking on a road trip, there are a few things to take into consideration when leaving birth control pills or condoms in the car for long periods of time.

An image of birth control pack of pills and condoms

Ultimately, regardless of what method of birth control you use or what kind of sexual activity you're planning on doing while you're traveling, it’s always best to consider every scenario before you leave. By considering every possibility that may happen, you’ll at least be prepared to take any necessary measures and have less to worry about while you're on vacation.

Do you have any other questions about keeping up with birth control while traveling? Let us know in the comments!