Everything You Need to Know About Butt Pimples (Like, How to Get Rid Of Them)

how to get rid of butt acne in 2023 what causes butt acne
OK, Let’s Talk About Butt PimplesDesign by Yoora Kim

As if dealing with acne breakouts on your face isn’t enough, you might look down and realize that you *also* have irritated red bumps popping up on your butt. What gives?! The booty might be an unexpected spot for pimples to appear, however, butt acne is super common and normal. And although it isn’t as glaringly obvious as a zit on your chin, it can still be annoying and might make you feel self-conscious. Plus, you’d probably prefer to keep your butt blemish-free, especially with swimsuit season around the corner.

Luckily, there are a few different tips and treatments that can help zap butt acne, or “buttne” away. Below, keep reading for all the expert advice on dealing with butt acne and bumps on your booty, according to dermatologists.

So, what is butt acne?

It turns out, butt acne is rarely acne. In most cases, butt acne is actually folliculitis, a skin condition that occurs when a hair follicle gets inflamed or infected and develops a whitehead around the follicle as a result. It might sound concerning, but it’s actually completely normal.

“Folliculitis is often the result of bacteria, yeast, or fungus infecting the hair follicle,” Dr. Rhonda Klein, MD, MPH, a dermatologist at Connecticut Dermatology Group, explains. “It appears as small shallow bumps that may be itchy or irritated.”

Sometimes, true butt acne can pop up down there, due to clogged pores caused by sweat, excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.

Should you pop butt pimples?

If you’re tired of everyone telling you not to pop your pimples, we apologize in advance, because that’s exactly what we’re about to tell you. It’s tempting, but the general "no-popping" rule applies to breakouts anywhere on your body, including your butt. Squeezing butt acne might also lead to inflammation or hyperpigmentation, so it’s better to leave the bumps be and let body scrubs — or topical antibiotics, if prescribed — do the work.

How can you get rid of butt acne?

Since you now know what causes buttne — and not to pop butt pimples! — it’s time to learn how you can help treat and minimize those irritating bumps down there. Keep reading for all of the ways you can zap butt acne away.

Use products with acne-fighting ingredients

Folliculitis usually goes away on its own, but it’s kind of hard to be chill when you have itchy bumps all over your butt cheeks, ya know? The good news is, even if butt acne isn’t true acne, your favorite acne products (or body acne products) can still help.

Dr. Klein recommends using a body wash or scrub that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, ingredients that help kill the bacteria that can cause standard-issue pimples and butt breakouts. If that doesn’t help, make an appointment with a dermatologist and ask them about getting a topical antibiotic.

Change out of your sweaty gym clothes and hop in the shower right after you exercise

Damp, sweaty fabrics can be a breeding ground for yeast and bacteria, so you should definitely shower and change into dry clothes right after you exercise or work up a sweat. “Tight clothing can trap sweat and bodily fluids against your skin for long periods of time, causing chronic breakouts on your backside,” Kachiu Lee, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at Brown University, says.

Make sure you wipe down whatever gear you're using at the gym, too — especially anything that might touch your tush, like the seat of a spin bike. “Yoga mats, exercise balls, and communal sports equipment can all harbor bacteria if they’re not cleaned in between each use,” Dr. Lee explains.

In the shower, don’t forget to rinse with a body scrub, ideally with acne-fighting benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, to help exfoliate and remove built-up dead skin.

Wear loose-fitting clothes when you can

Skinny jeans, too-tight undies, and even your beloved Lululemon leggings can all rub against your skin throughout the day and irritate your follicles, especially if your skin is already a little raw from shaving or waxing.

“Chronic rubbing, as a result of tight-fitting clothes, can cause folliculitis,” Dr. Klein says. So go ahead and wear sweatpants because, you know, it’s for your health. (You may even want to go commando for a bit if your skin’s been rubbed the wrong way.)

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