5 Times Cher Was the Ultimate #FitnessGoals

The pop icon was strong and fit at the Billboard Music Awards, and no wonder—she's been devoted to staying in shape and crushing her workouts for decades.

Did you catch Cher's performance at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night? Not only did she hit the stage in a sheer, bedazzled body suit looking incredible, she dropped a little humble-brag about how she stays in such great shape. “I can do a 5-minute plank, okay?” she told the audience.

Yep, 71-year-old Cher can plank longer than most people who are decades younger. This wasn't the only time the pop icon showed off her devotion to working out and living a healthy, active life. For further proof that Cher is a super-strong badass, check out her top five #fitnessgoals moments throughout her career.

RELATED: 20 Ways to Do a Plank

When she showed us how to be forever fit

Cher came out with a book in 1991 called Forever Fit: The Lifetime Plan for Health, Fitness, and Beauty. The epic cover photo shows her in a knotted gray t-shirt with her black boot placed on a barbell. Besides workout advice, the book featured exercise and weight loss programs, nutrition tips, and her favorite skin-care products. If her current healthy glow is any indication, she knew what she was talking about.

When she wore Spandex for her step aerobics videos

In the early 1990s, Cher released a series of fitness videos called (what else?) CherFitness. The videos featured step routines, ab workouts, and dance cardio sessions, all accessorized with black leotards and Spandex. The beginning of this step routine clip offers some major motivation and truth bombs from Cher. Our favorite: “You don’t have to start off perfect, you just have to start.” Preach!

When she killed it while keeping up with Tina Turner

Okay, so this glittery 1970s dance duet isn't exactly what we think of as a workout today. But it takes damn hard training and effort to do these moves as perfectly as Cher and Tina do—and in heels to boot. Watch and learn, legends at work!

When she was candid about working out 5 times a week

When Cher was 67, she gave HELLO! magazine a summary of how she stays in shape. "I exercise about five times a week because it's something I've always done and I just enjoy it," she said. "I don't like meat and so most of things that I like are healthy for you, apart from desserts. I don't do drugs and don't drink very often. I try to play the age card with my trainer but she just doesn't go for it. My farewell tour was one of the longest tours ever, and I think it would be a tour that would kill a 25-year-old girl now." Props for not pretending she doesn't work hard at it.

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When she learned to surf in her 60s

During at interview with E! Online in 2010, Cher spoke about how staying in shape is more difficult now that she’s older, but she's passionate about trying new activities to keep things fresh and exciting. "You have to work twice as hard. You have to be in the gym all the time. But I like it. When I was young I was a tomboy. I played sports . . . and I'm learning to surf right now. I like that kind of stuff, thank God."