5 ways to make holiday shopping safer and protect packages against porch pirates

With Thanksgiving celebrations this week, we also kick off the homestretch of the holiday shopping season. Authorities are once again warning Central Texas residents about the threat of “porch pirates,” thieves who steal packages from doorsteps.

According to a survey this year by SSRS research for InsuranceQuotes.com, 26% of Americans said they've had a delivered package stolen from their porch or doorstep.

"And with the survey showing an increasing number of people (64%) reporting that they will be doing all or most of their holiday shopping via online delivery (compared with 40% from last year), porch piracy is going to continue to be a widespread issue," an InsuranceQuotes.com report based on the survey concluded.

Here are five ways you can protect packages against porch pirates and make holiday shopping safer:

1. State law is behind you

The Texas Legislature in 2019 passed tougher penalties for package thieves, elevating the offense from a misdemeanor to a felony in certain cases. Depending on the number of addresses from which mail is taken, punishment can range from up to one year in jail and a fine of $4,000 to between two and 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

2. Find a secure delivery spot

Consider setting up a landscape planter or other obstacle to have packages tucked behind, rather than having them sit out in the open. Asking the delivery driver to slip packages into screened porches or screen doors can also help prevent theft.

If you know you won’t be at home in time for deliveries, see if your workplace will allow you to have your purchases delivered there.

In Round Rock, a Police Department program called Operation Front Porch lets residents pick up packages that are delivered to the police station at 2701 N. Mays St.

"The program was introduced in 2017, following a 2016 Holiday season that saw 13 reports of package theft," police said in a statement. "Round Rock has averaged 7.6 reports of package thefts in December since then."

Since 2017, more than 1,100 packages have been sent to the station through the program.

As a free service for Round Rock residents only, police will accept holiday package deliveries and store the packages for up to three days. Extended weekday hours and Saturday pickups are available in December, police said. The last day to pick up packages this year is Dec. 22. For more information, visit roundrocktexas.gov/frontporch.

3. Get delivery alerts

When you’re notified of a delivery, arrange for a trusted neighbor to keep the package for you. Most delivery services also let you change the drop-off to when you’ll be home or pick up packages at their offices.

With inflation making holiday wish lists more expensive, online shoppers have more incentive to protect against porch pirates, said Michael Giusti, an analyst and author of the insuranceQuotes.com report.

"Higher prices mean that swiped packages come with that much more sting,” Giusti wrote.

4. Thieves can strike as you shop, too

During your shopping runs, stow all holiday packages in your trunk, away from prying eyes. Lock and secure all windows and doors.

Also, park in well-lighted spots, which thieves tend to avoid — and never leave your vehicle parked with the keys in the ignition and idling, no matter how quick the trip into the store will be.

5. Call police for help

If you think a Grinch has stolen a package, confirm that the package was delivered and then file a police report. Call 911 immediately if you see suspicious activity, and be sure to get an accurate description of the activity, vehicle or person.

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: 5 ways to make holiday shopping safer and protect packages from theft