500 aggressors and explosives at Zaporizhzhia NPP, safety cant be guaranteed Energoatom

Kateryna Tyshchenko – Tuesday, 31 May 2022, 20:35

500 Russian military personnel are stationed at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (NPP). A large quantity of military equipment and explosives are also being stored at Zaporizhzhia NPP. Hence, Ukraine cannot entirely fulfil the safety guarantees given to its own citizens and the world, although it still maintains control over the work of the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

Source: Head of NNEGC "Energoatom", Petro Kotin, at the Media Centre Ukraine - Ukrinform

Details: The Russian aggressors are stationed right at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, according to Petro Kotin. There are about 500 soldiers and a large quantity of military equipment and explosives, according to preliminary estimates. This creates dangerous conditions for the operation of the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

Quote: "We continue to monitor the operation of the power station. The entire staff is carrying out our commands, and power units continue to supply electricity to Ukraine's energy systems. All staff are working under conditions of great pressure from the invaders. There are cases of abuse of staff, there are cases of abduction. The Russian aggressors shot one of the employees of this plant right at [his] home about a week ago. He was rescued, and doctors have been fighting for his life."

Details: Kotin also said that the Russians are using the Zaporizhzhia NPP as a military base.

"Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is a well-fortified facility even in peacetime. It has a good surveillance system, fencing, special rooms for sheltering staff, and large recreation rooms. This station has canteens and other necessary facilities where a large number of people can be accommodated. Thus, it is a perfect military base. Moreover, the Russians understand that the amount of nuclear material that is located there protects them. Ukraine will not strike at such an object," he said.

Petro Kotin said that one of the reasons why the Russians seized and keep on seizing Ukrainian nuclear power plants may be the "phantom pains" of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who had plans to unite the nuclear complex of Ukraine and Russia in 2000.

The Head of "Energoatom" rejected the possibility of transmitting Ukrainian electricity to the occupied territories.

"Technically, electricity produced in Ukraine cannot be transferred to the occupied territories. The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is fully connected to the Ukrainian power system. There are some lines leading to Crimea, but they have been damaged since 2015. To restore them would require very complex operations and cost a lot of money," said Petro Kotin.

Background: On 23 May, Russian invaders broke into the apartment of Serhii Shvets, an employee of the energy and repair unit of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, and shot him. Doctors have been trying to save his life.

More Background:

On 4 March, Russian troops seized the territory of the Zaporizhzhia NPP. They maintained control of the administrative buildings and the entrance to the station.

In mid-March, the aggressors blew up some of the ammunition at the Zaporizhzhia NPP near the destroyed training centre and power unit No. 1.