
55th annual Turkey Bowl contributes to Easterseals

Nov. 25—JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — The Turkey Bowl continues to deliver substantial funds for children with disabilities.

The 55th annual Turkey Bowl football game between the Bulls and the Bears was held Thursday at Price Field in Westmont.

The final score was Bears 37, Bulls 19.

Proceeds benefit Easterseals, an organization that provides services for children with disabilities including autism.

Bears coach Tim Clark has been involved with the Turkey Bowl for more than 40 years.

"We are excited to be back. There's a great turnout player-wise, which is exciting for us because the more participants there are, the more funding raised," he said.

Players recruited from across the Johnstown region contribute by selling tickets at $5 each to qualify to play.

About $14,000 was raised among the 62 players from both teams, Easterseals officials said.

The competition among the players, many of whom were stars in high school, was sure to entertain their family and friends in the stands.

To date, the Turkey Bowl has raised more than $600,000 for the Easterseals.

Bulls coach Garrett Spangler said the tradition has made a huge impact on lives of children.

"There's no better way to start Thanksgiving than to support a great cause," he said. "The funding this tournament has raised over the years is substantial."