5G arsonists turn up in continental Europe

A spate of arson attacks targeting 5G mobile masts has spread to several EU countries over the past few weeks, industry officials warn.

The Netherlands is the hardest-hit country in the EU with 16 arson attacks, figures compiled Thursday by industry associations ETNO and GSMA showed. Ireland has seen three arson attacks, while Belgium, Italy, Cyprus and Sweden have all seen at least one.

The wave of conspiracy theory-fueled torchings on the continent follows similar incidents that swept the United Kingdom, where 61 arson attacks and dozens of cases of harassment against telecom workers have been reported, the industry associations estimated.

Behind the spate of torchings are wild — and wildly untrue — theories that the spread of the coronavirus is linked to the rollout of 5G technology, the next generation of mobile internet networks.

Online groups have spread misinformation, including that 5G radiation led to the outbreak of the virus in the Chinese city Wuhan and that the virus travels over 5G radio waves or spreads more quickly in areas that have 5G internet.

Health authorities have dismissed those claims in strong words. The World Health Organization lists the issue at the top of its myth busters page to help fight misinformation during the pandemic.

But efforts to clamp down on 5G fake news are not stopping new attacks, just as companies and governments are more reliant than ever on internet connectivity to keep public services ticking and the economy afloat.

Fringe groups have pushed back against the new technology for years, claiming it would hurt people's health. In some European cities and communes — including the EU's de facto capital Brussels — protest movements have managed to stall 5G rollout.

Researchers have debunked many of those health fears, but the theories persist on the internet and on social media groups, including many in Europe.

The pandemic of the coronavirus has sparked these fringe groups' fears of 5G in recent months, causing online networks and activists to spread misinformation, stir up people to destroy 5G equipment and incite violence against telecom engineers.

In the Netherlands, a spokesman for an industry group received death threats in recent weeks and operators also registered three incidents of harassment against network maintenance workers.

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