On 60th anniversary of Kennedy 'Moonshot speech,' Biden touts Cancer Moonshot effort

On the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s moonshot speech, President Biden spoke about his Cancer Moonshot initiative, saying its goal is to “end cancer as we know it, and even cure cancers, once and for all.”

Video Transcript

JOE BIDEN: Now, in our time, on the 60th anniversary of his clarying call we face another inflection point and together we can choose to move forward with unity, hope, and optimism. And I believe we can usher in the same unwillingness to postpone, the same national purpose that will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills to end cancer as we know it and even cure cancers once and for all.


I give you my word as a Biden. This cancer moonshot is one of the reasons why I ran for President. It's part of my Unity agenda that I laid out in my State of the Union address, to rally the American people to work together. Because we know this-- cancer does not discriminate red and blue. It doesn't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat. Beating cancer is something we can do together and that's why I'm here today.