68% of US Millennials Say High School Sucks at Stock Market Education

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nyse us stock market

The vast majority of US millennials wish that they had learned more about the stock market and other financial matters in high school, and they say that the education system failed to prepare them for real-world challenges related to personal finance.

US High Schools Get Failing Grade in Stock Market Education

US high school stock market education
US high school stock market education

Students say their high schools failed to teach them basic knowledge about the stock market. | Source: Shutterstock

Currently, high schools teach students subjects like algebra, geometry, and chemistry to try to hone their problem-solving skills. The education system seems to believe STEM subjects help teenagers understand how the world works, without really preparing them for modern challenges.

A Nitro survey of 1,000 millennials who attended public high schools found that the respondents see algebra (25.2%), geometry (24.9%), and chemistry (24.8%) as subjects that weren’t too valuable for their lives and careers.

Read the full story on CCN.com.
