7 tips to remember about a man's health this Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day! As we celebrate and acknowledge dads today, here are some really important thoughts to keep our dads happy and healthy.

This entire week is National Men’s Health Week, so best not to let one more day slip by without knowing the seven facts the men need to know about their health!

Fact number one: 70% percent of his overall health is controllable through lifestyle choices. So many times, folks attribute their unhealthiness to genetics, but that’s a mere 30% percent of probability.

Fact number two: Men can spend up to nine years in poor health, and most of that illness is attributed to poor choices.

Fact number three: The more physically active you can be, the more you reduce your chances of a heart attack. Climbing 50 stairs or walking five blocks can lower that risk by 25%.

Fact number four: Inactive men, on the other hand, are 60% more likely to experience depression. Seems like a win-win, take a five-block walk in the outdoors, sunshine, fresh air and listening to happy birds has got to be invigorating (maybe early morning in the summer months) plus you can stave off depression.

Health fact number five: Drinking moderately, 4-10 per week lowers the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. More than 10 drinks per week doubles the risk to develop Type 2 diabetes.

Fact number six: Nutritionally, getting 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables is key. Translation: one apple, one half of an avocado, five pieces of broccoli, a stalk of celery and a half of a grapefruit can cover you for a day! Limit added sugars and salts and drink plenty of water…not too hard to maintain your health.

Fact number seven: Get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Sleep experts teach us that a cool to cold room, total darkness, no screens in sight (laptop, phone or watch), air movement from a fan, and no screens an hour before bed will help you get to and stay asleep.

Reading for pleasure, journaling or working a puzzle will help your mind relax. Men who get ample amounts of sleep reduce their risk of heart attacks by 60%.

Hopefully, your family will encourage these healthy behaviors to ensure that Father’s Days in the future are enjoyable and healthy.

So, how will you celebrate this day to honor and respect dad? Let’s go zero waste to keep this day green at the same time. Zero waste is a concept to not create excess waste: cloth napkins -v- paper napkins; reusable plates -v- paper plates, etc.

Making dad’s favorite meal and avoiding any throwaways is the green alternative to eating out and bringing home leftover meals in Styrofoam boxes.

Research local festivals that you can take dad to; experiential gifts will always be remembered more than another shirt or socks. Think about a movie gift card for dad!

With temperatures hotter in the summer, a dark, cool movie theater will be a treat! Don’t forget that the Honey Hunters are the best local baseball team in town. Dad and I at the ballpark with a beer and a hotdog, sounds like a really great opportunity. Maybe the easiest and most meaningful could be just spending quality time with dad and ask him how he’d like to spend the afternoon.

Time is the best gift and one that cannot be replaced when it’s gone. Enjoy this holiday and remember your dad!

Today is also Juneteenth and is the oldest national celebration of the end of slavery in the USA. Many local communities have had their celebrations, parades and events yesterday, but you can still catch some of the excitement today at the Rotary Pavilion in downtown Gastonia from 5 to 9 p.m.

Google Juneteenth in Gaston County for more information. Both Belmont and Bessemer City have had their events this past Friday and Saturday.

Nan Kirlin is recycling coordinator for Gaston County.

Nan Kirlin
Nan Kirlin

This article originally appeared on The Gaston Gazette: 7 tips to remember about a man's health this Father's Day