73-Year-Old Parties at Music Festival After Godson Surprises Him With Ticket

A man surprised his 73-year-old godfather with a ticket for Countdown NYE 2022 in San Bernardino, California, after the elder expressed his wish to attend his first-ever music festival.

Adrian Galera told Storyful that his godfather had always wondered what went on during the lengthy hours of music festivals, and expressed curiosity after the first day of Countdown NYE 2022.

“We said if we [could] find him a ticket for Day 2, we would take him,” Galera said. “Five minutes later, we surprised him with a ticket that we bought off a friend.”

In the footage, recorded by Kyle Amott, Galera can be seen carrying his godfather on his shoulders, as the 73-year-old enters the loud world of music festivals.

Galera said that his godfather initially seemed nervous, wondering what he had gotten himself into. “He even decided to go take a nap and meditate for a while before the long night,” he said.

In the video, however, which went viral after Galera posted it on TikTok, the older man can be seen having an absolute blast on his godson’s shoulders.

“Everyone was so kind and generous to him,” Galera told Storyful. “The first thing he said when we woke up the next day was, ‘When is the next one?’” Credit: Adrian Galera via Storyful

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