75 hilarious clean jokes that'll totally crack kids and adults up

Whether the kids are piled into the car after school or you're hanging out with your favorite group of pals, there's never a bad time for a good joke.

In fact, having a dad joke or two on-hand is practically essential to just about any situation because, seriously, who couldn't use a solid laugh now and again?

If your stockpile of funny puns has gotten low, not to worry. We're here to save the day with this collection of clean jokes that you can use in just about any setting.

Absent of any inappropriate themes or morbid dark humor, these squeaky clean jokes are perfectly acceptable for kids, adults, grandparents, school, work or anyplace else that you can think of and, we promise, these corny one-liners are a sure-fire way to bring a smile to someone's face.

Full of comedy classics, use one of these bad-but-good jokes as an icebreaker, at the dinner table, or simply read them to yourself if a giggle is what the doctor prescribed to help get through an especially long week.

Whatever it is you've come for, we can assure you, you'll find it in this compilation of silly anecdotes with punchlines so dumb, you can't help but laugh.

So read on and brush off your knees. You're going to need them for all slapping they're about to get from this collection of gags that'll have you and everyone else rolling in the aisles.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • What kind of shoes do bananas wear? Slippers.

  • What’s the best way to put a spaceship to sleep? Rocket.

  • What causes dry skin? A towel.

  • Did you hear about the deer that went to the dentist? It had buck teeth.

  • How do football players stay cool? They have many fans.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • What's the best way to catch a fish? Have someone throw it to you.

  • How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.

  • What do you call a fly without wings? A walk.

  • Why couldn't the bike stand up? It was two-tired.

  • Why don't dogs tell a lot of stories? They only have one tail.

  • What one word does everyone pronounce wrong? Wrong.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Why shouldn't pigs drive? They hog the road.

  • Did you hear about interrupting cow? What interr...MOO!

  • How does Darth Vader like his bagels toasted? On the dark side.

  • Why can't leopards hide? They're always spotted.

  • What's the best way to cook an alligator? In a croc-pot.

  • How much do dead batteries cost? Nothing. They're free of charge.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Why are owls so carefree? Because they don't give a hoot.

  • Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Spring was pretty good, too.

  • When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.

  • I never really liked facial hair. But now it's starting to grow on me.

  • Why did the pony need a glass of water? Because it was a little horse.

  • Did you hear about the book on glue? You can't put it down.

  • Where do armies go? Into your sleevies.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Did you hear about the frustrated doctor? He lost his patients.

  • What's the best way to hire a horse? Bring a ladder.

  • Why do cows wear bells? Their horns don't work.

  • What did one eye say to the other? "Between you and me, something smells."

  • What's the best way to attract a squirrel? Act like a nut.

  • I'm afraid of escalators, so I take steps to avoid them.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Why are snowmen so easy to get along with you? Because they're very chill.

  • Why do vampires use breath mints? Because they have bat breath.

  • Why did the rabbit go to the salon? It was having a bad hare day.

  • What's the best way to spot a baby snake? Look for its rattle.

  • Why shouldn't you play games with big cats? Because sometimes they're cheetahs.

  • I'm on a seafood diet. When I see food, I eat it.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Why did the invisible man quit his job? He just couldn't see himself doing it.

  • Why can't you surprise mountains? Because they're always peaking.

  • What did the credit card say after being arrested? "Guilty as charged."

  • Did you hear about baker that got dough for his birthday? It was just what he kneaded.

  • What do you call a police officer that won't get out of bed? An undercover cop.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • How should you properly address a hippie's mom? Call her Mississippi.

  • Did you hear the one about the peach? It's pitiful.

  • What happens to cows that get too much sun? They turn into evaporated milk.

  • Did you hear about the rowboat that sank? It was an oar-deal.

  • Why shouldn't you tell jokes about pole vaulters? They never go over very well.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Why should you hang sweaters together in the closet? They're very close knit.

  • Did you hear the joke about breakfast? It was eggs-cellent.

  • Why are mummies short-tempered? Because they're all wound up.

  • Why can't you send custodians into space? Because they always scrub the mission.

  • Why can't you tell pigs secrets? They always squeal.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Did you hear about the dinosaur car accident? It was a tyrannosaurus wrecks.

  • Where can you find horses? In a neigh-borhood.

  • Did you hear about the cow that couldn't produce milk? It was an udder disaster.

  • Did you hear about the frog that lost its car? Apparently, it got toad.

  • Why don't ants get sick? They have anty-bodies.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • What do you give a thirsty crocodile? Gater-aid.

  • What do you call a sleeping cow? A bulldozer.

  • Why did the cat go to the vet? It wasn't feline well.

  • What's the best time to book a dental appointment? At tooth-hurty.

  • What's weirder than seeing a catfish? Watching a goldfish bowl.

  • What did the beaver say to the tree? "It was nice knawing you."

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • A diner says to the waiter, "Will the pizza be long?" The waiter replies, "No. It'll be round."

  • Where do birds go on vacation? Someplace cheep.

  • What's a balloon's least favorite kind of music? Pop.

  • Why did the robber wash his clothes before leaving the bank? He wanted to make a clean getaway.

  • What's the easiest way to make a hotdog stand? Take away its chair.

  • Eggs and bacon walk into a restaurant. The host says, "We don't serve breakfast here."

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes
  • Did you hear about the king who's only 12 inches tall? Technically he's just a ruler.

  • Why did the girl keep her money in the freezer? She wanted cold cash.

  • Why did the snowman buy a bag of carrots? He wanted to pick his own nose.

  • How do you fix a broken garden? With a cabbage patch.

  • When does Friday come before Thursday? In the dictionary.

  • Why did the drum go to bed early? It was beat.

  • Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants? In case they get a hole in one.

Clean Jokes
Clean Jokes

This article was originally published on TODAY.com