84-Year-Old Ex-Pilot Fulfills Bucket-List Wish to Fly Again Above Fall Foliage

An 84-year-old former pilot with Parkinson’s disease ticked off one of her bucket-list wishes when she flew over New Hampshire one last time, taking in the beautiful fall colors below.

Earl Gage told Storyful that his mother “has struggled with day to day activities, and what the disease takes is her abilities, but not her mind.”

Gage said the flight on October 11 was part of the family’s mission to “try and make some of these requests become reality as time allows and as her health allows.”

The pilot who facilitated the flight, Cody Mattiello, said he was “happy to help a fellow aviator” and that he felt lucky to be “part of making memories like this for others.” Credit: Earl Gage via Storyful