The Libido Pill That Sold Out at Target After a Shopper Said She ‘Went 14 Rounds in 24 Hours’ — Is On Sale

When @lovedoveclarke on Twitter posted about the Health by Habit libido pills that were sent to her, the internet promptly rallied and sold them out completely in just 48 hours. It’s easy to see why in the tweet. “My partner and I tried them yesterday,” she wrote. “Tell me why we went 14 rounds in the span of 24 hours?” With a first person review like that, you’re forced to pay attention.

Clarke’s followers demanded the name of the product and she obliged. “It’s the Health by Habit ‘baby light my fire’ …when I say these things worked OVERTIME!!!! I can’t believe I’m giving free twitter promo but they’re insane for these,” she posted. We all know what it’s like to love a product so much, you want to shout it from the rooftops, and that’s exactly what Clarke did with this libido-enhancer. In a world of sponsored content and paid ads on social media, sometimes people just want the truth of an authentic, non-paid review, and that seems to be exactly the case in this scenario.

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As of this article pub date, the tweet has been liked over 58,000 times and re-tweeted nearly 3,000 times. And finally, weeks after the tweet caused the product to sell out, it’s finally back in stock at Target. Plus! It’s on sale! Seriously, this is the lowest we’ve ever seen it. Spread the word, my friends. You can order online for same-day pick up (depending on where you live) so it arrives just in time to kick off your weekend.

Courtesy of Target.
Courtesy of Target.

Health By Habit Libido Capsules

Health By Habit Libido Capsules $6.74 (originally $8.99

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What shoppers love so much about this pill is that it’s completely vegan and made with natural ingredients. Here’s a breakdown of everything that’s inside.

First, there’s vitamin E, which helps boost your energy so you can get going for longer. Then, there’s vitamin B6 plus ashwagandha. The combo creates a calming, stress-free mindset while also helping to boost your memory. I don’t think I’ve ever requested a memory-boost in the bedroom, but I guess if the action is as good as promised, you will want to remember it forever. THe capsule also contains maca, which has traditionally been used as a natural aphrodisiac, and tribulus, which has long been known as a testosterone booster, although its effects haven’t been scientifically proven.

Of course, you should always talk to your doctor before beginning a new supplement regimen, as different people may always have different reactions to over-the-counter products. It’s also important to note that dietary supplements aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is recommended for people 18 years and up and can be used by both men and women.

More shoppers who have purchased the product tout the same experience as Clarke. “Such a great product to naturally boost your libido,” wrote one reviewer. “They don’t have a bad after taste. They are easy to swallow. I really like the packaging the twist top is very convenient.” Another said, “On day 4 of taking these it’s like you flipped a switch! I feel better, but my husband is for sure loving it.”

One thing’s for sure: This product is sure to sell out again quickly, so if you’re interested in trying it, stock up now.

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