9 Tips for Taking Care of Winter Pregnancy Skin

Between the dry heat your furnace is kicking out and the stretch of your growing baby bump, your skin has just about had it. Hey mama, don’t stress: It’s completely common to have skin issues in one form or another during pregnancy. And if you’re so over your super-dry, flaky winter-worn skin, these tricks, tips, and so-soothing products can help.

Beautiful pregnant woman shopping for beauty products in shopping mall
Beautiful pregnant woman shopping for beauty products in shopping mall

1. Turn off the hot water. Yes, soaking in a steaming hot bath sounds like exactly what you need. But while the heat may soothe your tired toes and achy back, it’s not helping your skin. Take the temp down a notch and try washing in lukewarm water instead.

2. Drink plenty of plain water. Between the drying heat, constant morning sickness, and everything else that goes along with being pregnant in the winter, you need to hydrate from the inside out. And while toting a water bottle around all day won’t heal dry patches, it will help to prevent some of the moisture loss you’re experiencing.

3. Use a humidifier. Fight the overnight dryness by adding moisture to your bedroom air. Using a humidifier may ease some of those pregnancy stuffy nose/winter sinus thing symptoms. Just make sure to clean out the humidifier’s reservoir well — no one wants moldy water misted over them as they sleep. Try the Honeywell Mistmate Ultrasonic Humidifier ($39).

4. Choose clothes wisely. Tight-fitting, rough, and synthetic fabrics won’t treat your winter-worn skin well — they’ll only pull moisture away and add to the irritation. Opt for breathable cotton maternity picks. And while those super-warm wooly sweaters of yours will keep you toasty, they’ll also add to the irritation. If you absolutely must wear this type of winter-wear, buffer potential chafing with a soft long-sleeved tee.

5. The same goes for your linens and towels. Again, rough, synthetic blends will aggravate already irritated rough patches. Soothe as you sleep and after you bathe with super-soft linens and towels.

6. Exfoliate — but gently. Sloughing off your flaky exo-layer can soothe your skin, breathing new life into it. But beware: Harsh chemical exfoliators and anything else that strips, rubs, or basically peels the dead skin off could do more harm than good. Stick with something simple that’s OB-GYN and dermatologist tested, such as Belli Fresh Start Pre-Treatment Scrub ($18).

7. Moisturize well. Obviously adding moisture to your daily skincare routine can help to keep your outer layer looking and feeling hydrated. It’s okay to have one for your face and one for your body. Many soon-to-be mamas have hormone-induced acne issues on their face, meaning you may need an oil-free or sensitive skin product such as Burt’s Bees Sensitive Daily Moisturizing Cream ($12).

8. Cleanse lightly. Even though your face may feel dry, you still need to wash it. Stick with lukewarm water and choose a sensitive skin type of cleanser, such as Honest Beauty’s Gentle Gel Cleanser ($13).

9. Don’t forget about your feet and hands. It’s easy to focus on your itchy abdomen or peeling chin, but cracked feet and hands can become problems too. Products such as Soap & Glory Heel Genius ($10) can buff those cracks away and keep your feet feeling fine.


Burt's Bees Cream


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Honeywell Humidifier


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Soap & Glory Heel Genius


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Belli Beauty Scrub


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