ABH Empty Stocking Fund provides help to over 250 this holiday season

An older adult and veteran was not able to pay his power bill this month. On Dec. 23, admist unprecedented winter weather, he did not have to worry about his power bill because of the Empty Stocking Fund.

A cancer patient received help with overdue utilities due to the high costs of undergoing treatment.

Through the referrals of trusted nonprofits and the generosity of donations, we have helped more people through the Empty Stocking Fund than ever before. The increase in donations and referrals are testament to our community.

Our goal this season was to serve 250 individuals in a span of five weeks with an average bill of $300, totaling support of $60,000. In reality, we served 256 individuals in a span of three weeks with an average bill of $263.17, totaling support of $67,372.

There is great need in our community, and the Empty Stocking Fund is a way for you to make a tangible impact during the holiday season. The Empty Stocking Fund is an annual holiday fundraising campaign. Unlike some holiday fundraisers, proceeds are not used to buy toys or other holiday gifts. Funds raised through the Empty Stocking Fund are used to help families at risk of eviction pay rent and take care of many other necessary expenses, including medical power and water bills.

For those interested in donating to the Empty Stocking Fund, make checks payable to Athens Area Community Foundation with Empty Stocking Fund in the memo line, and send to PO Box 1543, Athens, GA 30603. Online donations can be made by visiting athensareacf.org/donate and choosing the ABH Empty Stocking Fund from the list of funds.

Thank you to this week’s donors who contributed to our fundraising efforts. A full list of donors is available at athensareacf.org/empty-stocking-fund.


Alice and Noah N. Langdale, Jr. Foundation

The Huffer Foundation Fund at the Athens Area Community Foundation

Anonymous in memory of Bill Hopper

Lee Nelson Weeks Charity Fund at the Athens Area Community Foundation


St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church

Frank and Anna Arnold

Anonymous donors


Ed and Dianne Jordan

Anonymous donors

Inge Whittle

Michael & Monika Kapousouz

Ashley Shearer

Huff Grove Baptist Church

100 Women Who Care Athens

CCI Sisterhood

Allan & Susan Armitage

Jessica Johnston

Sarina Rousso

Laurie Hart

Katie Bemisderfer


Ladies Auxiliary VFW Mitchell-Fields, Post 2872 Inc

Jerry and Betty Chesness

Elizabeth Francisco

Jennifer Frey

Rich Niemeier

Caitlin Eley

This article originally appeared on Athens Banner-Herald: ABH Empty Stocking Fund provides help to over 250 this holiday season