'Absolutely Terrifying': Denver Streets Inundated With Floodwaters Following Heavy Rain

Heavy rainfall triggered flash flooding in parts of Denver, Colorado, on Sunday, August 7, prompting multiple rescues in the area.

According to local media, at least 29 people were rescued as the National Weather Service warned drivers to avoid flooded streets in the area.

This footage was captured by Twitter user @NiaBender, who said it was taken in the Globeville neighborhood of Denver on Sunday.

On Monday, they posted photos of damage from the area and described it as “severe.” Credit: @NiaBender via Storyful

Video Transcript

- Now, now, we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--

Now, now, we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--

Now, now, we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--

Now, now, we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--

Now, now, we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--

Now, now we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--

Now, now we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--

Now, now we would ask you-- we request you to stay where you--