
This AC Vent Tube Brings Cooling Air to the Back Seat

Photo credit: The Noggle
Photo credit: The Noggle

From Car and Driver

It inevitably happens when you get pushed to the back seat of any vehicle: you beg for the person up front to blast the air conditioning. Sometimes there aren't enough vents past the front seats, or they're just not strong enough. So instead of boiling into a sweat pool of no return, The Noggle will bring that cold air to the back. The Noggle can also be used in the colder months to direct warm air to the back.

This handy car product comes in six-, eight-, and 10-foot tubes that hook onto a vent. It was made specifically with kids sitting in rear-facing positions in mind. You thought you were hot in the back seat? These little ones really have no access to a vent.


You can get The Noggle in a range of lengths and patterns. Out of 810 reviews on Amazon, it has an average of 4.2 out of 5 stars. The biggest complaint was about trouble with mounting the tube on the vent; however, it received great feedback overall.

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