Accenture CEO on dynamics of a remote workforce

Yahoo Finance's Andy Serwer spoke with Accenture CEO Julie Sweet to discuss how the company is working with officials to help deal with the coronavirus outbreak.

Video Transcript

ALEXIS CHRISTOFOROUS: We know this virus has made it virtually impossible for companies to be able to plan for the future. And the consulting firm Accenture is responding to the virus as if it's going to last for a very long time. Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture, recently sat down with our editor in chief Andy Serwer. Here's a piece of that interview.

ANDY SERWER: What kind of a communication are you having with elected officials, Washington, DC, state officials, heads of state in other countries in terms of dealing with the crisis and being able to collaborate possibly with them?

JULIE SWEET: You know, in every country in which we operate we've taken the approach of wanting to work with the association so that we're speaking with one voice. For example, in the US, we're part of the Business Roundtable's task force that is giving advice both to the federal government and also issuing guidance to help states and local governments. And these will go around the countries. Because we think it's, again, important because this is global. It's affecting everyone, all businesses, all sizes of businesses. And so we've really been trying to work with other companies on behalf of the communities and representing all parts of those communities.

ANDY SERWER: And finally, Julie, are there any things that you can point to internally or in terms of connecting with clients that has really surprised you during the coronavirus, maybe a way of communicating that is unprecedented or surprising to you?

JULIE SWEET: I think what's been really delightful is the groundswell of connections, everything from you know, people sharing baby photos, right, to parenting tips. And I guess it's not surprising in that I think that people come together in times of crisis, but it's really provided sort of heartwarming moments at a time when we really need it, to see the creativity coming out.

ALEXIS CHRISTOFOROUS: And Julie Sweet said she has been able to guide companies for clients around the world based on what she and her team are learning here in the early stages of this pandemic.