According To A New Study, Supporters Of Trump And Brexit Are More Likely To Fall Victim To Conspiracy Theories

A major new survey study has found that Trump and Brexit supporters are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories.
A major new survey study has found that Trump and Brexit supporters are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories.

In what is being called the biggest cross-national research that has ever been conducted on conspiracy theories, a new survey study suggests that those who support Donald Trump and Brexit are also much more likely to believe in conspiracy theories.

According to the University of Cambridge, out of those who were surveyed in areas like the U.K. and France, a hefty one-third of these are convinced that governments are actively “hiding the truth” about many things, not the least of which is immigration. The survey also found that those who find Trump and Brexit the most appealing are also more likely to disregard scientific facts and imagine dramatic plots, including the belief that Muslim migrants are planning to take over their respective countries.

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