Aces of Trades: Cenell Boch is a good person to see for those in physical pain

LANCASTER −For those having physical pain of some sort, Cenell Boch is a good person to see for help.

Boch owns Wellness with Cenell at 1582 E. Main St. It is a medical fitness business that focuses on promoting health and wellness through a technique called muscle activation. Boch is a licensed athletic trainer whose background is in sports medicine. She is also certified as a muscle activation technique specialist.

"Typically, clients come to me because they're having some discomfort," Boch said. "Maybe it's muscle or joint discomfort. A muscle activation treatment helps to stabilize the body and improves the nerves and the muscle and body's usability to contract. That also helps with joint pain or any discomfort they have in their joints."

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Boch has been in the field for about 25 years. In addition to sports medicine and athletic training she's also worked in physical therapy. While working in physical therapy she discovered that muscle activation was helping clients recover faster and helped stabilize the body.

"I had a friend who got certified in it," Boch said. "He's a physical therapist and he talked to me about the technique and how his patients were getting better faster. So I joined his classes and got certified back in 2012."

In addition to clients suffering from pain, Boch has clients who just want to stay fit.

"They may not be in a lot of pain," she said. "They may have some kind of nagging, achiness or joint stiffness. Then another subset is our athletes. Individuals who want to compete at top levels and are recovering from an injury."

Boch has clients of all age groups and also focuses on the mental aspects of wellness.

"We tend to focus on the mind, the body and a little bit of spirit," she said. "And when I say spirit I really mean the mindfulness classes that I teach out in the community. Mindfulness just looks at being present in the moment. It's also a way to help with stress reduction and a way to handle and manage stress."

In addition to running her business, Boch is also on the Lancaster-Fairfield County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

"I've always wanted to give back in the community and be of service," she said. "In addition to having this business, I also have a non-profit business where I provide health and wellness education to the community. Our focus as a non-profit is really helping women, children and families. So I've always been an advocate of promoting health and wellness in the community and also just being of service in our community."

Away from work, Boch still likes to teach about wellness. She's an adjunct faculty member of Ohio University and has taught at the Athens and Lancaster locations. Boch has also taught women's wellness classes at the Fairfield County District Library.

Additionally, she teaches a mindfulness class at the Robert K. Fox Family YMCA.

Boch also enjoys walking and hiking.


Twitter: @JeffDBarron

This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Cenell Boch is a good person to see for those in physical pain