Aces of Trades: Chillicothe Civic Theatre has been a major part of Mike Ziogas' life

CHILLICOTHE – He called his childhood “fairly typical.”

Well, maybe.

“As an only child I spent playtime with neighborhood kids and my cousins,” recalled Mike Ziogas. “For about 7-8 years every year, my dad attended an Auditorium Managers convention held in a different part of the country. As a result, I was able to see and experience nearly all of the continental US. While my dad worked at the NY World’s Fair, I lived in NYC for about six weeks. I was able to attend several original Broadway shows, including ‘My Fair Lady’ with Julie Andres and Rex Harrison and ‘Music Man’ with Preston Tucker. Growing up, I always figured I would go into some type of business-related career like my dad. Theatre was not on my radar.”

Today, Ziogas is a veteran actor and business manager with the Chillicothe Civic Theatre.

“When I first joined CCT in 1985,” he noted, “the organization was much less formal and our board meetings often consisted of meeting in front of the fireplace in Jack and Katie Sullivan’s home, having tea and cookies, and formulating plans for the next production.”

“In those days CCT had no permanent performance or rehearsal space,” he continued. “We rehearsed and/or performed in various venues including the Majestic Theatre, OUC Bennett Hall and the Stevenson Library, the gazebo in the city park, Carver Community Center, and local churches. Sets, props and costumes were stored in people’s homes and whatever storage space we might reasonably rent. We were on the lookout for a permanent home but could find nothing suitable.”

“Over the years,” Ziogas added, “CCT has become a much more formalized and business-like organization.”

Mike Ziogas, Libby Howe, center, Nancy Mytinger and Edna Reed, right, run through a dress rehearsal of the Chillicothe Civic Theater's performance of Neil Simon's"Prisoner on Second Avenue."
Mike Ziogas, Libby Howe, center, Nancy Mytinger and Edna Reed, right, run through a dress rehearsal of the Chillicothe Civic Theater's performance of Neil Simon's"Prisoner on Second Avenue."

Ziogas was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, then moved to Lansing, Michigan with his dad when he was 8 years old after his mother passed away. He graduated from high school in Lansing, then Michigan State with a BA in business administration and did post graduate study in personnel management. He then spent decades in various management positions in the automotive supplier industry.

“My wife Jean, our son Jim, and I moved to Chillicothe in 1976,” he said, “when I transferred to The Budd Company’s plant in Frankfort. My first exposure to Chillicothe Civic Theatre came in the summer of 1985 when we attended CCT’s production of ‘Inherit the Wind’ performed in a courtroom in the Ross County courthouse. At a dinner party later that summer, several people suggested I audition for the role of Dr. Sanderson in CCT’s production of ‘Harvey,’ I think because I had a full beard and looked the part. I went to the audition not having any idea of what to expect. I didn’t get that part, but I was cast as Mr. Wilson, the sanitarium attendant. After that show I was hooked.”

“I kept auditioning for subsequent productions,” he added, “and was fortunate to be cast in many of them. During my 37 years as a member of CCT, I’ve been blessed to have had over 45 lead and supporting roles in dramas, comedies and musicals. In addition, Jerry Park and I have created several original skits in our roles as Laurel and Hardy.”

“Mike is always terrific at nailing his character,” assessed Robyn Roush, former CCT treasurer and board member.

Director Marion Waggoner, center, gives "The Passion of Dracula" cast a pep talk before Monday night's rehearsal in the Majestic Theater. Clockwise, from left, are Ellen Doerres, Philo Dickey, Joni Hough, Mike Ziogas, Tom Casstor, Amy Lake and David Moore.
Director Marion Waggoner, center, gives "The Passion of Dracula" cast a pep talk before Monday night's rehearsal in the Majestic Theater. Clockwise, from left, are Ellen Doerres, Philo Dickey, Joni Hough, Mike Ziogas, Tom Casstor, Amy Lake and David Moore.

“For Mike, it isn’t just an ‘involvement’ with CCT,” added his wife, Jean Ziogas. “It’s a passion that began 37 years ago and continues to this day.”

“For me,” Ziogas responded, “CCT has always represented a great avocation. I’ve been fortunate to meet so many friendly, creative, talented, and just generally great people.”

“When we first came to Chillicothe,” he concluded, “we thought we might be here 2 or 3 years and be transferred again. That was 42 years ago and we’re still here. I honestly think that’s because God wants us here for whatever purpose he has for us. Almost certainly if we had not remained in Chillicothe, I doubt that I would have become nearly as involved in theatre. I hope to continue for as long as I can and as long as they’ll have me.”

Chillicothe Civic Theatre is located at 83 S Walnut St. in Chillicothe. For more information, call 855-723-3768 or log on and/or

About the Series

Aces of Trades is a weekly series focusing on people and their jobs – whether they’re unusual jobs, fun jobs or people who take ordinary jobs and make them extraordinary. If you have a suggestion for a future profile, let us know at or 740-349-1110.

This article originally appeared on Chillicothe Gazette: Aces of Trades: Chillicothe Civic Theater has been a major part of Mike Ziogas' life